And I know it’s there. I know that I have trouble opening myself up to people. I don’t know how to open up, and it’s ruined my relationships a couple of times. I’m scared to open up because I’m scared of being rejected I guess. And I’m more of a listener than a talker, and I’ve realized that the people I date probably find me boring or cold because of that. But it’s not just me refusing to do it. When I try to open up and say how I feel, I freeze up and I just can’t think. I hate it, it happens so much.
I know that I’m a very observant person, and sometimes in the past I used to tell people how I felt about their personalities from what I observed. I’d tell them things they didn’t want to hear, and their eyes would go dark and they’d hate me for being able to see their flaws clearly. I have someone right now that I feel like could be special to me, but I’m scared of opening up to him because I know he’s got some major skeletons in the closet and I don’t want him to hate me too for knowing about them. I don’t want to see his eyes turn dark.

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