for context, the restaurant i work part-time at gave out vouchers worth $30 for their new cafe to all staff and i invited one of my friends to go with. each main is about $20? so $30 def wont cover it and we’ll probably have make up for the remaining amount. i dont know how should i split the bill….. . i feel like my friend should pay for the excess and that we shouldnt have to split since its my voucher so ill technically be ‘paying’ most of it. (we’re both broke college students so)is this rude? would really appreciate any advice i can get:)

  1. Why don’t you ask your friend what they think is fair? Negotiation and compromise is the cornerstone of relationship building

  2. If it were me, I’d put in the vouchers then split the difference. Since you’re both broke college students.

  3. Split the remaining bill after the voucher is applied, would be the way I would do it. That means you both get a cheap deal.

  4. You invited, you pay – unless splitting the check is part of the invite. When I eat out (for a very long time I didn’t) I pay for the table. I don’t let others pay for my meal.

  5. My thought would be, if your friend would be going to this cafe without you having the voucher then you each “pay” for your own meal, you with the voucher (plus more of what you order is over $30) and her with whatever she wants. If she is only going with you because of you having the voucher then you use the voucher and split the remaining balance equally.

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