I’m a project manager at work. I don’t have any direct reports but I get people assigned to help me do the technical work when it’s my project. They’re the same people and I see them everyday. Lately they’ve been slammed with everyone’s projects but are still doing an awesome job.

Today they’re assigned to my project and are working on it for me. They’re asking for donuts and I can’t tell if they’re joking or not. I bring them in once a while but it’s been a long time.

I initially took it as a joke and joked back “Yeah, I’ll get right on that haha.”

Should I hop out and grab some for the guys? Or just wait until next time?

  1. Bring donuts and bananas. Charge the cost to the training or building supplies account.
    Also, I have a large snack drawer that my wife makes sure is always supplied. Usually with stuff that she bought too much of that we don’t care for. But people love free snacks so it’s a good, cheap way to be nice and keep up morale.

  2. I wouldn’t, this sounds like they’re trying to get something from you just to assert a more powerfull position. Of course it can sound like nothing, but people at work do these kind of little things repeatedly to get on top. Bringing something for them should be your choice and you should be comfortable and happy about it. If you’re not then you intuitively feel there are bad intentions.

  3. Yes! If they did a great job and you think they deserve it, why not? Working together should be fun and appreciation always shown

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