I’m almost in my senior year of university. My class are the same girls I’ve been with for a year now. Within my class, I have become more close to 3 other girl. We see each other practically every day in school and sometimes hang out outside of school too. The problem is, I feel like none of them know me. I ask them questions about themselves and their lives and show genuine interest. I make eye contact when they’re discussing things with me and what’s going on in their lives, I follow up with them and etc. For example, my one friend in the group has a roommate who was having some legal troubles. I don’t know her room mate that well, but I still made sure to check up on her via my friend every few days until her room mate was okay. None of this is reciprocated. The past couple of days I was having chest/heart pains and I told my friends about it because I was very worried about it. They of course barely asked about it. The next day they completely forgot it until I brought it up. Another weird thing my friends do is when one girl in particular (we’ll call her M) is talking, the other 2 girls eyes are GLUED onto her. And to be very honest, M isn’t doing anything but bitching and complaining. She’s not doing or saying anything interesting. It bothers me because not to toot my own horn but I’m way more interesting than them. I have actual hobbies and interests that I actively participate in. In fact, they all just found out about a month ago that I can speak Russian and were blown away. Like, maybe if you asked me questions and actually got to know me, you would uhm I don’t know, GET TO KNOW ME?

1 comment
  1. I understand your point. Well to be Frank. Most people are only interested about themselves.

    Do you really want your friends to ask about you more?

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