She says it’s not her but I know it is. She keeps putting an Apple air tag tracker on my car.

  1. i think the general consensus is that this behavior is extremely weird and unacceptable.

  2. Either she is definitely doing it and is lying about it or she actually isn’t doing it and you’re convinced she is…. Either way, there’s not enough trust between you two. A thing like that never really gets better unless the pair can have an honest conversation about it, which also seems off the table.

  3. Pretty sure you can check who an airtag belongs to if one has been planted on you for this purpose (might require an iphone)

  4. break up with her- she doesn’t trust you and you don’t trust her.

    then put the tracker on someone else’s car

  5. You can find out for sure if it’s her. Destroy it in front of her and see how she reacts.

  6. She’s a psycho, run away before she poisons you. Might have to move countries, I hear Albania is a good place to hide out.

  7. Move the airtag to your coworkers car, then work late. Watch her freak out, laugh at her, and dump her

  8. Cheaters are always the most jealous. If she’s that paranoid and you’re *not* sneaking around, she probably is.

  9. Ask a buddy who ain’t got shit better to do, to drive your car around while you’re at “work.” And tell him to make it weird.

  10. I’d google every stripclub in the area and parked my car around them each day. If you are especially evil, do the same but with gayclubs.

    In all seriousness, dump her until she does something violent or psychotic.

  11. Everytime you discover the tracker, you should immediately go to the nearest hotel from your ex girlfriend house. BONUS points if you turn off your phone

  12. I’d tell her in no uncertain terms that if it happens again we’re done. 100% over, no words exchanged, DONE.

  13. Check to see if she’s screwing around on you. Pretty common diversion tactic to keep your focus and energy on yourself instead of looking at the shit she’s doing.

  14. Drop the psycho bitch now and get a restraining order against her. Reverse the genders and ask people if a GUY put a tracker on his wife or girlfriends car they’d call him a creep a stalker and tell her to seek protection from this level of controlling behavior. Just because she has a vagina doesn’t excuse or lessen the crime she is committing against you. This is a very aggressive invasion of privacy and stalking. Please take your own safety more seriously.

  15. Tell her you’re going out for a few hours on Thursday. Meet a friend on Thursday and give it to him for him to take to your regular place, so she thinks you’re out of the house for a few hours.

    Head back home and stake out the house to catch her side guy coming over to be with her while you’re out.

  16. throw the tracker off the side of a cliff and make her think you’re dead. that’ll teach her

  17. My buddy and I went to visit an old high school friend we hadn’t seen for a long time who lived a few hours away. During this time his commonlaw wife took the kids on a trip to see grandma.

    We had a few beers at a pub and wound up back at his place just shooting the shit. He was texting his wife a lot and then told us she was coming home early because she was worried what he’d get up to with us. Turns out they track each other’s phones and she saw him at the bar (pub.)

    That just seemed insane to me. Like, if you can’t trust each other then why are you together? Such a toxic relationship.

  18. I’d be hella turned on by how much she’s into me. But I’m also a trauma wreck, so I’m aware that’s unhealthy.

  19. “Kept” – her doing it once is on her. Sticking around for her to do it a second time is on you.

  20. I know there are a lot of jokes being made but seriously this is unhealthy as hell. This type of stuff will only escalate, and I assure you it will never end. Life will get progressively more miserable with every week that passes with a woman like this. You’re not married, get the fuck out before you do something stupid like get her pregnant or buy her a ring.

  21. Set up a hidden camera. There’s all types of inexpensive tiny cameras that work on Wi-Fi and/or with a SIM card installed in case there isn’t Wi-Fi available. Battery powered, too.

    If you are concerned about *why* she’s doing this, that would be complicated to ascertain but it could be worth it to try. Make up a reason to be 1-2 hours away, put the AirTag in a friend’s car and have them drive where you said you were going. Stake out your own home and see if there’s something nefarious going on.

    Honestly, this behavior is utterly unacceptable and the most appropriate response would be to break up with her. Personally I would document proof and present it to her in a mic-drop moment. Depending on the specific situation I would also consider getting law enforcement involved.

    Note: IANAL and you’d have to check your state’s laws to ensure the hidden camera isn’t violating anything. Dude I’m rooting for you.

  22. Absolutely dangerous for her to be that obsessed with where you are and when. I have kids and don’t track them, no way would I be tracked or track my husband! The exception is when I’d solo run, he would see where my headset tracker was and if I was taken, I always presumed they wouldn’t discard the holder it was in, but otherwise a HARD NO!

    You need to find another girl for about one million reasons!

  23. A lot of amusing comments, but have y’all even sat the fuck down and talked about it? That seems like a good start. Then you can decide if this is fixable, ignorable, or a symptom of a relationship that needs to end.

  24. File a police report each time you find one and turn it over as evidence.

    Watch her shit bricks when they all start pinging up at the sheriff’s office.

  25. I wouldn’t want a woman with such weak spy skills. If I can find out she’s tracking me then what of our enemies!?! A real woman would tap into 12v constant power supply and disguise the gps unit as a relay switch

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