If so, do you know how to pronounce it?
If not, how do you make Bloody Mary?

  1. War-chester-shire sauce. Yes, we have it. Key ingredient to green bean casserole

  2. Of course we have Worcestershire sauce. It’s not some exotic ingredient. And yes, we do know *how* to pronounce it. We will never pronounce it correctly, because its a million times funner to butcher the pronunciation.

  3. Yes.

    Worst-eh-shire (i think it’s pronounced differently across the country)

    I have never had a Bloody Mary

    (How is it actually supposed to be pronounced?)

  4. Yes.

    We pronounce it “wors-stah-chesh-ter-shire” sauce because we can’t read and long words confuse and frighten us.

    The best Bloody Mary is made with Old Bay. But if you prefer a dash or two of “worsh-chest-stah-sher-shire” sauce that’s cool too.

  5. It’s readily available. I find it to be a tongue twister and say something like “war sester sher ster sher star sauce”. I’ve never had a boody Mary but I think they have vodka, tomato juice, and a celery garnish.

  6. Yes, we have it. We call it “Wuster-shur” sauce. Though British-style pronunciations that skip half the word are a travesty.

    I’ve never made a Bloody Mary. I’ve only seen people order them on planes and in bars.

  7. Yes, some people, and it’s not used in all recipes.

    Instead of a fermented fish sauce they use a hot sauce that has lots of similar ingredients that worcestershire has (vinegar, shallots or onions, etc).

  8. “worst-er-sure”, yes we have it.

    I do not drink Bloody Marys. They are more likely to upset my stomach than do anything good. I use Worcestershire sauce in cooking, mainly in my meatloaf recipe.

  9. Yes it’s extremely common. I mostly use it for cooking. I pronounce it wurst-uh-shur

    I put it in my bloody Marys but the horseradish is far more important

  10. Ever since I saw this video of this lady calling it wash your sister sauce that always pops into my head. Though I do pronounce it correctly when saying it out loud.

  11. Yes. I have it in my cabinet.
    I pronounce it Woostasheer

    I don’t make or drink bloody marys.

  12. Yes, yes, and McClure’s Pickles in Detroit makes a killer bloody mary mix.

  13. Yes. It’s in all the grocery stores. Worse-ter-shear. And of course we use it in a Bloody Mary.

  14. We have it, I pronounce it “wursht-er-sher”, and I have never put it in my Bloody Mary.

  15. 1.) Of course we have it

    2.) Anyone from New England does. That’s one of our tests for knowing immediately when someone isn’t local. If they pronounce Worcester wrong (big city in Massachusetts obviously named after the city in England) and by extension Worcestershire.

    3.) I don’t make bloody Marys cause they’re gross.

  16. Yes we have it. I have vegan Worcestershire sauce in my cabinet because I’m allergic to fish and regular Worcestershire sauce has anchovies in it. I pronounce it like woostashur. And I don’t like Bloody Mary’s so no I don’t know how to make them but it would be easy enough to google.

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