So I met this middle eastern guy and he was extremely cute at the early stages…. then he started showing a whole different side to him of not wanting to introduce me to his family as if I was some sort of a shame because we had sex before marriage and that he is not proud to bring back home?? he also pointed out that I was only for sex and hang outs! BUT this guy was extremely avoidant of even mentioning “marriage” as a taboo thing to him “with me” because I ama western woman and would not be accepted by his mother for being too loose or something?

  1. Well when you open it up ya never really know what’s going to fly in now do ya. So what’s your question? Yeah, I don’t normally see Muslims married to Western Women, now that I think of it, which I never have…

  2. Not Middle eastern*
    There are tons of White and black folks here in the west wants you for sex only too, or like jefferey Dahmmer for other sick purposes
    not sure why you had to bring his race and playing victim. We don’t know his side of story

  3. Based on my limited experience with middle-eastern culture. The guy is not toxic by their standards. You have to understand that western culture is incompatible with middle-east region. In regards to marriage, since it sounds like your not a virgin. That’s a big deal over there. Families from that region expect their sons to marry a virgin bride.

    It is best for you to move on, and understand the cultural differences at work here.

  4. Unfortunately there’s guys out there that’ll sleep with you and then think you’re not marriage material immediately afterward. It’s a hypocritical world.

  5. Tell him that you agree with Israel’s actions and block him lmao

    Edit: I just noticed the word “hand-outs.” What the fuck are you doing! He’s calling you a cock sleeve and an ATM 😭

  6. Why… are you still with him then ?

    He’s been pretty direct with what he wants and views you as.

    I’m guessing its not view as toxic in his country where women can’t travel without a male escort, go to school, pick who they marry, open a bank account or have to be full covered from hit to toe. You know to name a few things that are the norm there. But your not in his country so.. why gonna put up with that kind of mindset ?

  7. I mean if the guy already made it clear where y’all relationship stands and he has no interest in progressing it forward to anything serious, *especially towards marriage*, why would you expect him to entertain a conversation about marriage?


    I mean if I was in a similar situation and I made it clear I had no intention of moving the relationship forward to be serious or marriage, I wouldn’t waste my time introducing that woman to my family or talking about marriage with her either.

    Like what, am I supposed to be talking about marriage with this woman to help me find the woman that I will be marrying lol.


    In all seriousness, at least from what you provided it sounds like he never had any intention of taking you serious or possible marriage. You were a western woman prior to getting into everything and if that was an issue then it already wasn’t going to go anywhere from the start

  8. But are you emotionally attached to this person? Sounds like he’s also only a hookup/fwb?

  9. I’m assuming he’s Muslim? Yeah so Muslim ppl usually don’t bring their dates home. They have fun and then bring home a girl from their culture.
    Very few of them will stand up to their parents and bring home a girl outside of their culture. Srry u had to go through that 🙁

  10. middle eastern here , hes just an ass. we’re not all like that and the generations of arabs have been chiller. he said his mom wont like u for being “ too loose “ and against their beliefs and cultures when hes the one who had sex before marriage when its against our beliefs and culture. hes the problem so get away from him asap 🙏 boys like these have nothing good that ever comes from them

  11. Fuck guys like him. I’m a middle eastern guy and can’t count how many times I’ve had girls tell me they almost turned me down because they were worried I’d be like the guy you’re describing. Last date I was on the girl straight up told me she “doesn’t trust arab men” because of a relationship she had that was just like that guy you’re describing.

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