If you could be Governor of any US state what would it be and why?

  1. My home state, I know it wouldn’t be easy but I feel like anybody who doesn’t live in a mansion and actually knows how difficult it is for regular people to live in this state could already do a better job than Newsom!

  2. Louisiana. I like my state and don’t have a great desire to live somewhere else.

  3. Hawaii. Because i want to live in Hawaii and I’m pretty sure being governor is the only way i could afford to do so

  4. Virginia. One of my ancestors was governor of the VA colony. Keeping it in the family.

  5. Home state. It’s been flatlining for years and is the definition of slightly above average.

    It has so much potential with beautiful nature, access to the Northeast and Midwest, but most of the smaller cities are struggling and our two big ones have issues, especially Philly with poverty, substance abuse, and violence.

    Our legislature is incredibly corrupt and refuses to address any of the states issues.

  6. Maryland because that’s what I know. How am I supposed to govern Nebraska or some shit

  7. You say if I “could” be governor of any state, like I’d want to. I wouldn’t want to be governor of any state, nor would I want to be president of all of them

  8. Vermont. It’s just quiet and chill up there, at least relative to the rest of the country.

  9. West Virginia. Untapped potential as far as natural resources and geographic beauty. Not sure why the state never tried to beat out Georgia for Hollywood projects.

    If I fail there’s not much of a downfall. The state is already hemorrhaging its youth and nearly last in the union.

  10. Illinois. I figure I’ll probably end up in prison eventually but I feel like I’d have fun in the meantime.

    Kidding aside, I don’t particularly want either position but I feel like I’d rather be a mayor of a large city than the governor of a whole state.

  11. Hawaii.

    I’m pretty sure it’s an easy job.

    Wakes up, drinks Kona coffee.

    “Are tourists still coming here and giving us money?”

    “Is it still sunny?”

    “I’m off to go surf and eat pineapple.”

  12. RI probably. It is so small that I feel like it would be possible for me to visit local townhalls and community meetings on the regular so If people wanted to meet with their governor they reasonably could. I would like to, if I was governor be known by the people and not just be some face or name to them. Have people see me and be like, “ey! I like that guy, he walks his dog in the park nearby, nice fellow”

  13. CA or TX. I want the clout. Personally I would pick TX right now because I want to open that state up for renewable energy. I would connect the TX grid to the other 2.

  14. Definitely my home state, we’re already at the bottom of everything so I can’t fuck it up too much lol.

  15. Probably a small low populated state. If thats a task I have to take on, I don’t wanna make a large group of people the recipients of my inexperience. And if it goes well, hey, I’ve got something good on a political resume.

  16. Kentucky, because it’s my state. Why would I want to be governor of Texas or somewhere else that I have no stake in?

    If I was governor I would focus on removing the state income tax and amending the state constitution to allow our cities to actually tax normally like the rest of the country does. Also, I would try to further legalize gambling and work to attract business investment that usually goes to Tennessee instead.

  17. Vermont because it’s small and according to a cursory Google search I just did has one of the least powerful governors in the country so I could just chill out and not worry too much about fucking things up. Plus it’s only a 2 year term so if I suck at it or hate it, I wouldn’t be stuck doing it (or they wouldn’t be stuck with me) for long

  18. Hawaii. Weather, Food, landscape, people. In Michigan there are people who plotted to kidnap the Governor – so hard pass!

  19. Alaska because it’s the only place I have enough political knowledge about to not be utterly incompetent at the job. Also this would inherently mean Dunleavy would be out of office. I would work really hard at the job.

  20. New York. It’s where I’m from, although I wouldn’t want to have to move back to Albany.

  21. Probably Delaware, because it is close to where I currently live, and it is a small state, so I can only mess it up so bad. (I would have to apologize to my theoretical Delawarean constituents though!)

  22. California for maliciously benevolent purposes. For the time I’m in office the legislature would absolutely hate their lives. I’d also do my best to fix the problems that keep making Californians flee to Idaho and other states. Fixing CA or at the very least stalling the leftward march into insanity would help more than just CA. An Idaho liberal fixing that place would be positively drenched in irony too.

    Otherwise I’d govern my own state. Between the good ole’ boys club and the far right nutjobs trying to gain ground (If I’m calling you far right you have a serious problem) we’re not in the best place. We need to get back to the time when responsible and reasonable small government leaving people alone to live their lives was the way and reinforce that with actual real liberal policy that isn’t just progressivism in a skin suit claiming to be liberal.

  23. New Jersey

    As much as I like remote work, I don’t think governors should work remotely from a different state and I’m not leaving Jersey.

  24. Florida. I need to get rid of Ron DeSantis and restore democracy to make Florida a swing state again.

  25. I’d say a smaller state like New Hampshire or Connecticut. I’d still have considerable political power and I wouldn’t be one of those big powerful politicians everyone talks about.

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