To give some context, i’ve never done anything sexual before with anyone. I’ve met this guy 2 times now, the first time he just fondled me and i gave him a handjob. It was very new and that time i was turned on at certain moments (he was dry humping me a lot and that didn’t do much for me), but i liked how he touched me. The next time was yesterday, i stayed the night at his appartment and we cuddled and he was touching me in the same way . I love cuddling and i liked what he was doing but i just wasn’t getting turned on at all. Same thing this morning, he was even fingering me etc and i was telling him how to do it but i couldn’t get aroused. To be honest i’ll say that i’m stopping myself a lot, he will be all over me but i’m still like “getting away from him” and stopping him, or not playing with him much. Maybe i’m just getting in my head and forcing myself to go slower?

I find him attractive, and i have no problem orgasming and getting aroused alone. This is really frustrating because i want to keep meeting with him and progress with this but i don’t know what to do to get horny like i do when i’m alone…

I would be especially helpful to get insight from women 🙂

Edit: to give even more context, there’s just a couple small things that bother me. He has a short beard and when he kisses me on my body, for some reason i can only feel the little hairs and not his lips lol. Also i’m not sure yet but i think i don’t really like making out, it feels very slimy to me.

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