I need some reassurance 😭😭 Is it bad to prefer a partner to wear condoms due to sensory processing issues, anxiety, etc….?? What if I end up always wanting them to? Help??? I am 19 afab.

  1. it’s good to want your partner to wear a condom. prevents std’s and unwanted pregnancy. what is it with the huge hate on condoms in some countries? where i’m from it’s literally told from the first sex ed in 5th grade to always use a condom if you’re with someone new and/or dont have any other birth control methods… 🤔

  2. Condoms are the default for sex imo

    If someone tries to pressure you for sex without condoms, you have every right to tell them no and stop what you are doing with them

  3. It’s completely normal to prefer to use a condom, it’s the only safe way to have sex without worrying about pregnancy and/or STD’s. If someone has a problem with that it tells you right from the start that this is the wrong person for you. As for your sensory issues: you don’t need to tell them. All they need to know is that you want to use a condom because of the above stated reasons. You are not forced to prevent pregnancy by other means so the argument of protection is always valid and not questionable. You should be fine with that

  4. Unless you are in a healthy relationship with a reliable and trustworthy partner, you are going to need to use condoms anyway. For your own safety’s sake.

    That said, many, many people consider it a sensible evolution in a long-term relationship to consider the options when it comes to stop using condoms.

    What you are asking for is not in any way unreasonable. And it’s definitely your choice to make. It’s…just not the most common choice people make, and to avoid strain on a relationship it’s a good idea to actually *tell him* about this quirk of yours.

    blunt, perhaps. But some guys will walk away from a relationship on those terms, and weeding them out before you REALLY start to like them is going to cause you a lot less pain.

  5. It’s great you want your partner to use a condom, they help prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs.
    It’s normal for people to want their partners to use a condom, you aren’t the only one who wants their partner to use a condom.

    If you want your partner to use a condom tell them to use one, if they don’t like that you want them to wear one then they aren’t the one for your and don’t respect what you would like.

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