The guy I’ve been on a date with asked me out again but didn’t follow through (obviously we didn’t meet and I didn’t text him either). A few days later he started texting me and told me he had been preparing for an important job interview and forgot about the date and stated it will never happen again. He’s still preparing for the interview and we haven’t talked for almost a week. To me it’s kinda weird and I can’t believe someone can be this busy.

Additional info: M 28 F 26. He doesn’t talk much and seems like an introvert.

  1. You already answered your question. He doesn’t talk much, seems like an introvert, and busy with preparing for a job interview.

    The real question is, how long have you been dating?

  2. It’s hard to tell based off this post alone but it doesn’t seem like this guy is very interested

    He could’ve at-least let you know he was cancelling before the date

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