What is something that is very unethical/wrong, and not illegal?

  1. Congress people being able to invest in individual companies and sectors they are responsible for regulating

  2. Copy right trolls?
    Not sure if this is the correct name or term, but basically ppljust copy right ideas or concepts for the purpose of being able to sue others when they actually come up with a product that is similar to the idea.

  3. Recording or taking images of strangers in public places without their permission or consent to then shame or slander them on social media and internet

    See all the toxic gym tiktok videos or the whole “Manspreading” thing years ago or all the videos by toxic people being rude to service workers thinking everyone will take their side. People who do this are not only disgusting individuals but are cowards hiding behind social media

  4. >What is something that is very unethical/wrong, and not illegal?

    Insurers controlling your medical treatments and prescriptions.

  5. I don’t know, maybe something like licking your co-worker’s lunch in the fridge? That’s pretty gross and unethical, but I don’t think it’s technically against the law (yet). Or how about lying to someone just to get what you want? Definitely not cool, but not necessarily illegal either.

  6. The ability bankrupt people through the legal system without them actually being guilty of anything.

  7. – Toxic hookup culture

    – Gossip

    – Greed

    – Arrogance / narcissism

    – Infidelity

    – (Extreme) Negligence in misrepresenting facts as a professional / journalist, or other person with an ethical duty to provide accurate information.

  8. The fact that people at the top of these companies can raise prices on products just so they can make more money but they dont have to give their employees raises

  9. Women benefitting significantly, at the expense of men, via divorce laws in most first world countries.

    Also the complete lack of evidence requires to prosecute a man for sexual harassment or physical abuse as a woman, compared to the other way around.

  10. Cutting people in line. Noone has successfully done this to me yet but depending on my mood I could end up in handcuffs.

  11. Requiring a man to pay child support before a DNA test is performed. Also, it’s barely becoming a crime, but false accusations of rape or sexual assault. One false accusation can cause a man’s life to completely fall apart, and most of the time leaves the woman with zero consequences.
    I heard a case the other day about a woman who successfully accused and jailed up to 12 men on false charges of sexual assault and only faced 10 years in prison while they faced way more and became registered sex offenders.

  12. Men deciding one day to become women, and then competing in sports against other actual women.

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