So today I was signed up for a competition with some of my classmates that took place in another school. There were tons of other schools we were competing against. All the students were from the same grade.
There were occasional breaks that one stood out of. Basically, students from different schools were picked out into groups that a student council hosted games with. They took place in a somewhat small corridor, but they were still fun.
Basically I was in a group with 8 strangers. The games were simple and the idea was just to introduce each other.

There was this another girl who was the same age as me. She was super friendly with me and overall seemed like a great soul. It was an opportunity to gain a new friend since I don’t have many, let alone from other schools. And it kind of seemed like to me that she wanted to be my friend too 🙂

Anyway, the break lasted for about 15 min until we were called back into the hall so the winners could be announced.
I was planning on asking for her number or something after so i could hopefully talk to her again someday. Turns out her school was quick to leave so they could catch the bus, and oh my god, at that moment I was regretting not asking her sooner. I was so disappointed with myself because I should have asked her before the competition ended…
I do know what school she goes to. It isn’t super far from mine, and my country is small so it shouldn’t be that hard to find her somehow.
I hope she’s doing well.
( PS I’m not fluent in english. Sorry if this was hard to understand)

1 comment
  1. Instagram was designed for this. Either way, dont obsess about her, happens when you are lonely. If you do not see her again, you Will make new Friends if u put some effort into it

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