I love my boyfriend with all my heart. But he blames me for almost everything and tells me I don’t listen, he shouldn’t have to repeat himself, or if I forget to do something “correctly “. He gets mad for no reason over the littlest things and starts yelling. (For example that i didn’t remember to put bread on the table or something simple like that) I don’t want to lose him because other than his behavior he’s a really super cool guy who does treat me really well otherwise. But i don’t like that he tries to make me feel guilty about certain things, that he could do himself. Always after such situations, he apologises after he realises that he yelled. I try to explain to him why his reactions are disproportionate to the situation. But as those moments happen again, I see that he doesn’t understand it. Maybe I do annoying things as well sometimes, but at least i always try to change some things that he complains about. What’s your perspective on the situation? I know some ppl will say just to break up, but this should be the last way to solve problems.

tl;dr my bf gets angry at me over very little things

  1. “Aside from the giant glob of shit in the middle of it, this ham toastie is perfect.”

    Why are you tolerating emotional abuse?

    What are you getting from this relationship that you can’t get from anyone else?

  2. Sounds like a very crappy boyfriend to me. You know you can find someone who doesn’t act like this, yeah?

  3. Is he getting help for his anger problems?

    Personally I would break after having told him multiple times and he does nothing to change it. You say it’s the last way to solve something, but aren’t you already on your last leg? What else is there to do if he’s not willing to change?

  4. To borrow a line from another redditor he’s a “big bouquet of narcissism and red flags, bound by a ribbon of toxic masculinity”. Where do we start with this?

    everything will always be your fault, because nothing is his.
    he will al ways criticize you because he is perfect.

    value yourself and move on.

  5. How long have you been dating? Because if it’s newer and he’s acting like this (when he should be on his best behavior) it will get worse the longer it goes.

  6. An apology doesn’t resolve the issue. He needs to talk to a mental health professional to see if he can change this behavior. And if he’s not willing to do that, then that tells you he doesn’t value your feelings on the matter.

  7. Been there/done that/needed hospital treatment twice.

    Can you say ‘potential violence’?

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