What are some unspoken social rules in friendships that aren’t talked about enough/ obvious?

  1. Commenting so this gets more attention in the algorithm. I can’t think of any, but I like this question!

  2. If your friend has something visibly wrong with them that is fixable (broccoli in teeth, skirt stuck in panties, makeup smudge, etc), tell them.

  3. The thing where if a girl’s on blood sacrifice and you have a spare tampon, pad etc you give it to them

  4. Don’t ever make your friend feel that they are in competition with you over the attention of a romantic interest.

  5. If we’re hanging out, we don’t have to ask each other to leave, we just kind of know. The people I get along with best can just read the room and call it a night like I can. I’ve always struggled having close bonds with people who linger to the point of making me awkwardly ask them to leave.

  6. If I haven’t replied for a couple days just know I probably accidentally saw the message and forgot to reply..

  7. True friends are happy for each other’s successes as if they were their own. If you feel like you have to compete with me or you’re jealous of me, you’re not my friend and I don’t want you around.

  8. these are rules i have in my friendships that arent unknown or unclear, but are more or less unspoken, i don’t know if they’re totally universal:

    1. you do not compete with your friends, over anything. if you’re creating competition you suck.

    2. you never go out without making sure everyone can get home, and additionally you never leave anyone alone on a night out. like not at any point in the night in my opinion.

    3. give and take should be equal. if you bought me drinks last friday i’ve got dinner on wednesday you know?

  9. keep conversations between you and your friend unless they tell you you can say something

  10. – Always pay back exactly the amount you owe to avoid any petty conflicts later.

    – Never mix circles.

    – No inside jokes in front of others who don’t already know about it.

  11. You treat their pet as your own. I can understand some folks aren’t comfortable around dogs, cats but don’t make it sounds like owning a pet is disgusting, or unhygienic. Not cool.

    I was once stuck without my Rover pet sitter, she bailed on thanksgiving day and I was across the ocean in another country. I was unable to find a replacement so I asked a friend to go and feed my cats. She said the cab fare was too much, can’t go! (She makes a comfortable living) I was like are you fucking kidding me, my cats haven’t eaten in a day. We already had our differences, this (and flirting with my husband) was the final straw.

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