what are some of the ways the US IS NOT the worst first world country?

  1. In other Countries the Constitution provides Rights for the population.

    In the United States, the Constitution PROTECTS natural-born rights already bestowed by life, itself.

  2. Freedom of expression, disposable income, property rights, healthcare quality, healthcare availability, innovation (not even a close second here), probably infrastructure in some ways, national parts, religious freedom, the ADA, a bunch of other ones.

    America is pretty much the only country that protects rights legally that our documents deem to be inherent to human beings, pretty much ever other system establishes a right provided by the government, which can be taken away by the same government. This is why freedom of speech for example only actually exists in the United States, every other country has a government that is more or less free to add specific speech to the no-no list. So that’s why thousands of people in the UK for instance get arrested for saying silly nonsense on social media. We also don’t have police going around asking protestors if they are “praying in their head” near an abortion clinic because that is a hate crime (Yes, that’s a thing that happened). It is more similar to the UAE than the USA in that regard. Malign actors are working overtime to undo that in the US, but they will end up on the ash heap of history, God willing.

  3. We have among the best women’s sports programs in the world. We’re perrenial World Cup contenders, which our men can’t claim to be.

  4. The ADA is by far the best compared to other first world countries.

    And even then, it still sucks how people treat the disabled here.

    In other countries, it seems you aren’t even considered a person if you’re disabled.

  5. We’re in the top 10% of countries for standard of living and human development index, beating quite a few European countries. Our infrastructure is world-class (ranked 13th globally), we have the world’s highest quality university system, we’re number one by a mile in technological innovation and industry, and we have a mountain of personal freedoms that the vast majority of nations don’t even come close to.

  6. Isn’t the US a first-world nation by default since it was part of NATO/the west/not the Soviet Union?

  7. Higher median income than many others.

    Higher home ownership rates than many others.

    Rate of innovation and businesses being started.

    Poverty and homeless rates are lower than many other s.

    Strict protection of individual rights, more so than many other 1st world nations.

    Generally lower cost of living and generally lower taxes.

    Worlds largest economy.

    Works most powerful military which ensures a lot of security and trade around the globe and is the number one finder of Ukraine’s war efforts despite multiple 1st works nations being closer.

    The ability to assimilate into the culture as immigrants or the descendants of immigrants compared to other countries. Citizenship by birth not blood.

    Great access for disabled people compared to other countries.

    Central air is prominent.

    I’m sure you could find a lot more things.

    What makes it the worst first world country in your mind?

  8. I really like the look of the US passport, it’s clean, simple and to the point with a great design. Some other 1st world countries have kinda ugly looking passports imo.

  9. Everyone’s taking this question way too seriously.

    We put ice in our drinks. Nothing tops that.

  10. Our government has a stockpile of 1.6 billion pounds of cheese. No I am not joking.

  11. Despite it’s problems, we have accepted more people of other cultures than nearly any other nation.

    We have a burgeoning far right movement, but at the same time, so does Europe. We have better protections for LGBT people than them.

    Those people have a right to own tools that allow them to protect themselves and their families, they don’t have to exclusively rely on police. Same for immigrants.

    Wide range of areas to visit and live in.

    Military that cannot be conventionally defeated, the safety of that.

    Food and music of all kinds is popular and authentic throughout nearly every area.

    The fastest highway system on Earth, and rapid transit of goods should you want them.

    The ability to choose where you live. You don’t have to live in bumbfuck nowhere if they won’t respect you. You also don’t have to put up with high taxes, gun control, or smog if you don’t want. We can wake up in any weather, culture, and environment we wish.

  12. There are 30 other countries that rely on our military for their national defense.

    You’re welcome.

  13. The biggest one most people ignore is that Americans on average have more disposable income than other developed countries.

  14. Anecdotal evidence so take it for what it is. On occasion I load shipments for my work and I have met onr driver who really gave me perspective. The first was an immigrant who fled the Yugoslavia war. He told me that despite her flaws, America is a wonderland in comparison to his home region (now bosnia). He said he missed his home, but America had allowed him so much opportunity to thrive. He can feed his family while doing work he loves.

  15. I’m super annoyed at the wording of this question… but there are many many reasons the US is not the worst. But let’s start with foreign aid. We are far and away the largest giver at over 37 billion.

  16. We have the *best* health care in the world. It’s just bloody expensive. Of course, theirs is, too, it’s just invisible to the user.

  17. You can still go get some land here for a decent price compared to most first world countries.

  18. Innovation. When’s the last time you saw a world changing breakthrough piece of technology that was developed in the Netherlands?

  19. 14.2% of our population last year were immagrants. They aren’t coming here for the nice weather.

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