I am definitely something you would call an introvert and I’ve always had trouble making friends, now that I’m older (27F) it’s even harder as I don’t go out very often and live in a small town(and I don’t drive). If I’m being honest I just need someone to hear me like I hear everyone else. Any advice

  1. Well first off, what’re your interests? What do you like to do and what do you wish you could be doing?

  2. Holy hell, sameeeee 🥲
    I’m 24M and ever since I finished uni, all I do is work from home and contemplate life with my single player hobbies like self help books, competitive programming and anime/movie/tv shows.
    I feel like as an introvert that didn’t really got used to initiating things, the thought of going to a place by myself to meet new people is anxiety inducing. Like, what people will think of a loner introvert going to a place by itself? I am currently working on that but I just wished my mind didn’t play tricks on me to stay stuck where I am.
    I hope you can figure things out for you, if you want to discuss strategies and what to do I am here for it lol

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