Just curious to know how you guys define it

Edit: the reason I asked is because someone I know had a friendship, turned to relationship, which ended up in break up. Just wondering how two people can click well as friends, but not be compatible in a relationship.

  1. Shared values. Goals align. I think culture also has to be compatible too. By culture I mean religion and regional culture as well.

  2. You both get what you want out of the relationship. Then you’re compatible. If one of you, or both of you, feel like something major is missing, or one of you want something the other can’t provide then you’re not compatible in that area. If these differences are small it probably doesn’t matter. But if they’re important to one of you, or both of you, then it can be a deal breaker

  3. Friendship does not typically get into the deep territory like a relationship. For an example, just about everyone has quirks, quirks that you don’t like/enjoy might be totally fine from the outside as a friend, but when you’re suppose to be “that special someone” said quirks might be something you don’t want around on that level.

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