What’s something you did that seems uncomfortable at first but leads to becoming a good habit?

  1. gaining weight, it led to me getting my period back 🙄 but i balanced my hormones so it’s literally just bleeding, i’m not dying from pcos symptoms anymore

  2. Lessening my coffee little by little. Being addicted to Caffeine is no different from being a drilug addict

  3. Saying no when offered snacks at work. In the beginning it’s really hard because it seems rude, but now I’m happy I did it and nobody expects me to take any. (Big staff, a lot of birthdays, a lot of cake/cookies, I don’t even like sweets that much so it’s not worth it for me)

  4. wearing my retainer at night! got to keep that straight smile 🙂

  5. Saying no.

    It started with simple things — and I felt so uncomfortable and like I was letting everyone down or being mean — but eventually progressed to me making really positive changes in a lot of aspects of my life, mostly moving away from toxic relationships.

  6. Going to concerts alone.

    Make a really big breakfast the day before, so I don’t get hungry within two hours, but do have time to get it down.

  7. I have bad anxiety. I make myself drive to places that scare me. Over time those areas have become easy to do

  8. Not exactly a habit, but nude modelling for life drawing classes. I started doing it when I was deeply uncomfortable with myself and my body (for a number of reasons), and it helped so much more than I ever expected it to.

    Hearing a room full of people admire my body as art and make no mention of any of my perceived flaws or any sexualization was an experience that shifted everything for me (plus I got to see myself as art at the end, which is amazing)! I did it regularly throughout university just because I enjoyed it and it was such a confidence boost, plus it covered my grocery bill!

  9. Stand up desk, huge water bottle (40 oz) that I drink 3 of daily, waking up early, going to the gym in the morning, doing everything the night before for the next day, meal prep

  10. Taking my anxiety meds. I was skeptical but I actually feel like I can function everyday without an overarching doom feeling. And it helps everything stay even.

  11. Waking up and working out. Keeping fit is harder and harder as we age and at 55 I’m still a perfect size 8.

  12. Workout almost every day. I’ll either do weights or go for a run, hike, bike or backpack.

    It takes time but it makes a good hobby and it’s kept me young and in shape. I feel like I’m more than get back the time I spend working out, because I have so much more energy and strength to stay moving all day

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