Some people exercise or go on walks, some take vitamin D, some watch cute animal videos, and some do gratitude journals, etc. What about you?

  1. I take B12 (vegetarian) and D (hate the sun and take walks early in the morning before it rises if I can).

    I have two cats and they’re so good at making my mood better. Last year after a surgery I was on the couch for a week because I couldn’t lie down completely in the bed due to pain. They took turns lying on my legs to keep an eye on me.

  2. Sing & dance like no one is watching.


    Go to church.

    Vape some sweet flowers.

  3. get outside an hour daily, I try to walk but can’t always with out weather, take vitamin d spray, eat a good amount of protein (protein gives me energy which increases my mood)

  4. I take looooong walks, exercise daily, and make sure I always have a really good dinner.

  5. I walk around the house with my headphones on listening to my favourite music before going out, and I also get 1 hour of exercise in.

  6. Re-watching comedy shows I love, taking vitamin d in the day magnesium at night for better sleep.

    Doing a daily language lesson on Duolingo to keep my mind stimulated. Cooking for myself instead of relying on pre-made oven/microwave food.

  7. I try and get to a dance class most weeks.

    Exercise and human contact and hugs and good music is a great combination for endorphins.

  8. – 30 mins walk
    – journal
    – pray/meditate
    – light incense (this just elevates my mood)
    – a good long shower

    I may do one or more on a daily basis depending on my mood!

  9. Play cozy music from video games while I work. My favorite lately is Animal Crossing. It makes the day feel less mundane and easier for me to concentrate, and it makes me smile!

  10. Cook something healthy and delicious every day. I plan my days around meals, I love cooking and eating!

  11. I get Starbucks on my way to work. The coffee plus the little bit of routine helps since my job hours are incredibly randomly

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