Hello so i am a little bit awkward socially and its often hard to convey good convos. Need help for tips.

The only person that i have good conversations with is my best friend and its because he is a really extroverted person who knows how to built to convo.

Me i dont know how to do. Fact is im already anxious when talking to people but more than that what i say is not interesting. I always end up saying general truth like “\_\_\_\_\_ is cool” or telling over and over the same anecdotes. When i get interested in someone i will ask them questions about there interests and i dont know how to continue on that. For example:

Me:oh you like swimming? Him: yeah Me: cool

I think that it is caused by my lack of culture. I dont know where i could get some culture (whether it be history, nature etc…) if you have any tips

I have passions to bring on the table. I am currently writing a fantasy book, i am learning how to sing, practice theatre and love soccer (soccer is probably the only subject i have culture on). But i dont know how to make good convos with that.

Finally, i have another huge problem. If there is more than 3 people with me, i will get loss. Theres too many people talking and i cant talk as im basically lost bc of how fast the convo went and being afraid to interrupt someone to say something. So if its a group convo i cant talk.

Do you have some tips

1 comment
  1. Generally I would argue that you can be completely uninformed on a subject and have a great conversation about it if you know nothing culturally about it.

    If it was swimming, you can ask things like “oh is there a certain style you do?” Or “competitive swimming” or just offhand info you know is related to a topic to ask questions about. Most people enjoy talking about what they love.

    Express your honest (but not harsh) opinion or experience as well.

    You can always steer the conversation away with something like “personally I’ve always been good at writing and enjoy it!” Or if you are uncomfortable with such a direct change, you can do it indirectly by asking them something like “what do you enjoy about swimming” and convey your similar feeling towards something else, and talk about that a bit as well.

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