If you could change one thing about the urinal, what would it be?

  1. Make them wider spaced apart. I’m tall and bumping feet with other dudes with their dicks out is not a good look.

  2. Dividers for all urinals and while we’re at it, let’s make them taller.

  3. They should be built into animatronic characters and activate when you piss on them. Like A cowboy that goes “Yeeee haaaaw” and lifts his hat up and down when it detects your urine in the bowl.

  4. Walls and doors. If you design a bathroom where I can see weiners accidentally, you should be fired.

  5. Wall barriers that are tall enough so I don’t have to look at the guy next to me in the eye while I’m holding my shaft.

  6. Do away with urinals. Just make every bathroom have a flowing water wall and you just pee into the wall.

  7. The fact that it takes up space, which could be used for more toolet stalls, you can piss and shit on those, too. Sometimes I want to put on a wig and say im trans to use the women stalls, because they have more.

  8. Require the pipes for them to be embedded deeper into the wall so my piss doesn’t splash back at me.

  9. I want to transform it into an arcade game where you get points for hitting the targets with your urine

  10. Add colors and sensor pads that when you pee on them they make music depending on what notes you hit. A musical urinal.

  11. I would obviously put them extremely close together with no dividers, make the walls they’re attached to extremely reflective, especially on the side that has the actual stalls right beside it. Gotta make sure I can accidentally see some poor bastard fighting for his life through the reflection that perfectly reflects through the gap between the stall and the wall. Fuck, while I’m at it I might as well make it a mandatory rule for all guys pissing in the urinals to have to hold hands during the process and cheer one another on.

    I don’t give a fuck what the urinal is like as long as it works lol

  12. I’ve seen women’s bathrooms. They are almost double the size of men’s. Just give us stalls. No one likes the urinal.

  13. Wish they were deeper that little pee pad inside is rough on the tip

  14. A splash back eliminator would be convenient, especially if its a heavy duty piss, plus extra space each side of the urinal

  15. Make them taller so you don’t have to bend down so much to take a drink

  16. Dance Dance Revolution while you pee.

    Dynamite Rave should spice things up a bit.

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