Basically I told GF that she can’t mention that we’re still dating to any of her family because it goes up to dad and he gets pissed off. I’ve already blocked him wherever possible as he’s sent several threats and tells me he’s got “a thing” in his daughter’s room and knows we’re still talking. I think that’s just bluff and he only knew because we would have calls and GF’s mom and brother (who live separate from dad) heard and reported it to him.

Now we only text but apparently she told her friend that we’re still dating. I’m at my wit’s end because I told her many times to stop antagonizing her dad and yet she continues to. Should I break up with her? I can’t be dealing with the family bullshit anymore. I’m supposed to go visit this summer but I’m not sure I want to knowing her dad or his goons might come after me.

  1. Dad threatened your life? Call the cops. In the states that is a crime

  2. Yeah, the juice is not worth the squeeze here. I’d dip out before things get even messier. She’s probably half dating you just to piss off her dad.

  3. Tell him to f off or you will call the cops, why are you dating her?

  4. What “goons” does this guy have?

    Is her surname Corleoni by any chance? If it is then perhaps dump her.

    If it isn’t then appreciate that your girlfriend is proud of you and isn’t wanting to keep you a secret. But if you don’t like her enough to make the family stuff worth living with then you just don’t like her enough, because that’s part of who she is.

  5. Threatening to murder someone with the intent to make them afraid is an actual crime.

    Document all of the threats and carry some mace around with you. Make sure he knows that you will report him to the police if he continues to threaten you.

    Warn your GF that you’re serious about reporting her dad to the police.

    Either you’ll be calling his bluff and he’ll stop once he realizes that threatening someone risks real legal consequences, or you’ll make it harder for him to get away with anything as he would be the top suspect when there’s already a history of reports against him.

  6. I would tell you to call police on him, and perhaps you should gather some evidence and still do it.

    However, more importantly, break up with your gf. It seems she isn’t treated the situation and threat to your health or life, seriously at all. You deserve better.

  7. Yes you should break up with her. A father that threatens to murder you is crazy town. How on earth is she not going to be messed up from that. Your gf can become your wife pretty quick, and you don’t want to marry into that. That’s a show stopper for me. You want to spend your holidays and special occasions with that clown show?

  8. If you have evidence of murder threats I’d say go to the police at least and get a new girlfriend.

  9. What do you mean help? She willingly put your life in danger dude leaving her should be obvious

  10. 1. Is this a cultural thing?
    2. Are you in the states or a “western” nation?

  11. Time to break up! Her dad will always be a control freak, why would you want to be near that family! GF is 21 and can move out.

  12. I would break up with her. No one is worth getting murdered. And frankly, he’s a disturbed individual to even threaten to do that regardless of whether it’s a bluff. That family isn’t normal and the apple usually doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  13. Dad is blowing smoke. I’d say you just tell her, your father’s behavior is unacceptable. I’m out. Remind her that every decent man with self-respect will bounce because of dad. Put ii in her court.

  14. If your life is in danger and your girlfriend isn’t taking it seriously, yes you should end it and get far away from that family. And go to the police if you haven’t already. A paper trail helps with a restraining order.

    If he’s an idiot who just talks like that, and your girlfriend still doesn’t respect your wishes to keep you out of his sight and mind, yea you should break up

    If she’s doing nothing to help this situation, she’s not in a place to be a good partner.

  15. Don’t find out the hard way that he meant what he said. Your life is not worth this girl.

    Worse, she isn’t taking it seriously, putting you at further risk.

    Believe every word of his threats. Your life depends on it.

  16. I’d cut and run. No one is worth potentially getting killed over. I could tell my wife that and I’m positive she’d do the same. That aside, if you live in the US, I’d call the cops on him. Threats of murder is a crime, he cannot do that. This is important because if he’s threatening you, there’s a good chance he’s done this or will do this to others. Him having a record will make it easier to convict him of these types of crimes if he does it again.

    I’d still cut and run after reporting. Because I’m sure the calling of the police will also make him mad.

  17. It’s not like he’s on the fence here. You will never win him over. Move on.

  18. At the very least you should file a police report. Because he’s threatening you and no matter if it’s written or verbal it’s uttering threats. At most you need to break up. How can you continue to hide a relationship that by existing risks your life. It doesn’t matter if she says oh dad is all bark no bite.

  19. One thing is obvious: hiding the relationship from her dad is not going to be an effective strategy long term. You planning on not inviting him to the wedding? I think he’ll notice.

    So for that reason, being mad at your girlfriend for not keeping it dark is wrongheaded. Let go of that approach.

    You can either confront him in front of the rest of the family and tell him to knock it off; or you can decide this group of crazies is not what you had in mind for in-laws and leave.

  20. How dumb do you have to be to continue seeing a girl after her father threatens to murder you?

    What’s worse, and this is shocking, is you’re now trying to control this poor girl after complaining about her controlling father. This girl is going to need decades of therapy because of the toxic men in her life…and you’re one of them

  21. There was a kid your age at my son’s high school that was shot by the dad. Please take this seriously.

  22. If you have concrete evidence of his threat to murder you, file a police report immediately.

    If there’s not concrete evidence, give some serious thought to your relationship with your GF. Her family seems troubling in general.

  23. Who are you dating John gotti’s daughter Jesus 😂 don’t want his goons to come after you wtf

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