Edit: stop masturbating as in stopping for a lengthy period of time or forever, not stopping during masturbation. Im surprised I had to clarify.

  1. I was bored, nothing better to do and decided to go with not masturbating for a few months for fucks sake, then a few months turned to be a few years, and here am i.

  2. I developed an active and healthy sex life, and I stopped watching porn. I still masturbate rarely, and I’m comfortable with that (masturbation is fine and totally natural), but I’m not using it as an unhealthy coping mechanism.

  3. I had a huge crush on a girl during senior year of high school so I started getting my shit together in an attempt to be more attractive to her. I worked out daily, tried to develop my social skills, and I stopped cooming. By the end of it I was so fucking close to a six pack!


    I was rejected, and quarantine started immediately after, so I got depressed and started masturbating again. lol. Ain’t ever had motivation like that since. Went 6 months completely clean, something that seems like a miracle to my coomer ass now.

  4. I am sort of not doing it anymore. But, honestly, I just don’t need to anymore because I have better things to do and have someone who I love.

  5. My doctor told me to stop.

    He said it was annoying the other patients in his waiting room.

  6. I don’t really care for it, I refer to be physical with a person. It’s definitely been a while, about 5 months and I’m okay with it.

  7. Knowing porn is a dopamine inducing addiction that once you finally try to stop it, you realize how big is the hole you’re in.

    Took me years, but now I don’t even see the appeal anymore. I much prefer to use my imagination.

    And even so, I don’t do it everyday anymore, most of the time 1 time a week max. But lately, 1 time a month is enough. When I don’t have anyone for actual seks.

  8. I just woke up one day without this urge to masturbate. I was masturbating about 5-6 times a day, now I masturbate one time every 2 days…I don’t know, just happened.

  9. Im in the process of quitting for a few reasons.

    1. Its habit forming and I want to break the habit.

    2. I’m lasting way too long in bed these days. Like.. 45 mins minimum. And I don’t have the cardio to keep up with…myself..and thats weird. I’m tapping out before I get off and that’s not cool.

    3. I’m starting to feel its unethical man. Who am I to feast my eyes on all these women who gone eventually regret it anyway? I pass. Well I’m trying to pass on it… too much karma.

    4. I’m in a REAL relationship and I like the idea of getting familiar with MY girl and only her. Its growing on me.

  10. 1. Being disappointed in myself for a mistake

    2. Got so into playing a video game that I forgot to

  11. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 “I’m surprised I had to clarify”😂😂😂😂😂😂

  12. Finding “the one” did it for me, after we got together what followed was the most mind boggling intimacy I’d ever experienced. That made the need for masturbation disappear.

  13. Last time when I tried, I heard something about erectile dysfunction caused by porn use, which is basically the fuel for my masturbation. Kinda got me scared by reading and hearing some
    stories, so that motivated me to try stopping to see how long I’d last. In the end, I was sparing myself for no one, so I quit that and went back to it.

  14. It was a daily chore for me and I noticed it started making me look at women in a perverted disgusting way it creeped me out so I stopped for a bit.

  15. Heard of nofap & wanted to see how far I could get .. managed 55 days but got too horny

    Since returning I quit porn & masturbate to imagination

    I like to think my quality of life has improved since

  16. At a certain point, it just doesn’t become fun anymore. After I stopped masturbating, that’s when I realized where all my social anxiety and self-esteem issues stemmed from. I’m still not 100% better but I’ve definitely improved. But not gonna lie, a part of stopping it is also by choice. Simply because your start thinking to yourself, I don’t wanna be that guy who masturbates non stop until I’m 75 years old. Best of luck to you my man!

  17. At first I stopped to be closer to god, stayed strong for one year and a half, but in the pandemic I failed and just now two years later I’m able to stop again.
    But now it’s only in a religion way, it’s to be a better person for myself, more focused you know

  18. It’s just kind of lame. It’s not even a girl touching you, it’s a man (yourself) and you’re sitting there alone abnormally and furiously imitating something normal. It’s like running on a treadmill instead of running outside or having sweetener instead of sugar.

  19. Coming to the realization that it is an unhealthy habit and that life is short, and if I don’t stop then I’m essentially agreeing to living a lower quality life.

  20. When I got older and realized titties in my face is much better than titties on a screen.

    Been a long time since some tits have been in my face but I like real pleasure. Pleasuring yourself til the time actually comes getting annoying and tiring. And then you get busy so you start having to plan wank sessions, also tiring as well.

  21. I think I just realized that there are too many other things I could be doing that is probably better for me, and I would rather sleep, play video games or have sex. It feels like I am using my man juice up.

    Also, dude I just started going back to the gym more regularly and I find myself more tired.

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