She’s RIDICULOUSLY sweet and I really appreciate the gesture but I don’t even like sitting while people sing me happy birthday, I feel so awkward sitting there just waiting, it feels like time stops and I panic and just can’t wait to be over. What do you do when people serenade you??

Just to clarify, I REALLY do appreciate the gesture, I truthfully would just prefer to watch it on a video instead of the live experience but I’m not gonna tell her that because this is obviously a way that she wants to show love and I don’t want to take away from that.

Update:: turns out she was just as nervous to sing it to me as I was to hear it. She used to be a comedian who did music kind of stand up, but quit because she started transitioning (MTF) and people started making fun of her voice. Anyway she hasn’t been able to perform since then so she really wanted to do this but was very nervous. The song was so sweet, but honestly also hilarious which made the awkward go away pretty quick 😅 the song was genuinely amazing and I feel very lucky 😊 thanks for the help!

  1. Sit, relax and smile. It helps to have a drink too, gives you something to do if you need it. I find sipping any beverage a nice way to fill awkward pauses but maybe I’m wrong

  2. That’s awesome! Not very many people get sung to, you’re lucky.

    If you need something to do, maybe record her, but also look up at her and smile. Bob your head to the music. Smile and nod for special lyrics. At the end, be thankful and encouraging so she feels the unique gesture is appreciated.

  3. Yeah I don’t think I’d know what to do either, just sit there and smile.. Tell her how beautiful and thoughtful it was afterwards.

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