We see a lot of anger and hatred towards neighbours in this sub so I thought I would lighten the mood and ask what things do your neighbours do that really DON’T annoy you?

My upstairs (adult) neighbour, for example, has been learning to play the recorder at least since I moved into this apartment (three years) and seemingly has not progressed at all. I don’t mind this and I find it kind of sweet.

  1. My downstairs neighbours are Romanian/Moldovan.

    They’re just … good people. They keep to themselves, but they provide for their kid, they’re always chatty when I see them, they come and help out if they see me gardening (fruit and veg) and they keep the place really tidy.

    They’ve also taught me a plethora of hilarious curses in Romanian.

    Just good people.

  2. They live in Dubai but don’t sell or rent the place. Can’t ask for quieter neighbours than that

  3. We do a bit of shopping for an elderly neighbour and she posts a thank you card with the money through our door every week

  4. Mine are deaf. They don’t complain about my noise, or make any noise themselves.

  5. One side are lovely. They are a generation older than us and have seen both our children grow up. We swap excess produce over the fence, they never minded when a ball ended up in their garden and they are like adopted grandparents to our children.

    The other side moved in 3 years ago and suddenly we’ve become the old-timers. Their child was born not long after they moved in and we’ve had the joy of hearing little footsteps running around, baby babbling and the usual toddler noises. The family are lovely and all is good both sides.

  6. My neighbour must be pushing 80, but she still sweeps the leaves away from my front door while she’s doing her own and pokes any post left sticking out all the way through.

  7. Neighbour above me loves to sing and I sometimes hear her absolutely belting out the tunes. It’s not always my taste in music but she has a good voice and it does make me smile.

  8. We got new neighbours recently. We immediately exchanged numbers and both agreed to text each other if we were ever making too much noise and not take it personally.

    Now whenever I blast music out I send a text to make sure it’s not a problem and vice versa.

    It’s been great.

  9. My downstairs neighbours are in their 70s, I’d guess, and they have sex *all the time*. They’re both retired and they have loud sex multiple times a day. I don’t know what they’re doing but I’ve *never* heard a guy be so loud during sex. It’s a little tiresome but also, like, good for them!

  10. Not current, the previous neighbour living next me was a lovely old lady who played the organ at church and would practice all day saturday ready for the next day.

    It felt like bliss during the summer when the windows were open, it felt so nice to have the warmth met with the feeling of the air flow and for the whole flat to be filled with the sound of church music, the best saturdays was when she would have her friends from the church practice singing while she played, all of them were 80+ and sounded like angels.

    She would always have a choc ice ready to give to my son through a hole in the back garden fence.

    Was such an empty summer when she moved out to go live in a home.

  11. I left a box of apples from my apple tree outside my house. Later that day the box was gone and a box of pears from my neighbours tree had been left in its place 🙂

  12. Our neighbours are fab. Rarely hear a peep from them, always chat and say hello when we see them. They even got a new pup (already have one dog) and I didn’t notice until I saw it. We take in parcels for them and them is if needed, we’re very lucky to have such chilled, friendly neighbours.

  13. Our neighbour randomly washes our car when he’s washing his. Then he’ll take a photo and send it to us. He’s a generous bloke.

  14. We had a student neighbour learning/playing a saxophone.

    I quite liked hearing him slowing as he got the the tricky parts, fluffing a note, trying again, missing, then trying again – hitting it and carrying on.

    My little mental voice was screaming “Go on, you can do it” – and then you get closure both him managing it and the tune ‘completing’

    Also used to hear them outside when coming home after a night out.
    Happy noise coming along the street, stopping outside their house, getting a bit louder and then hearing a slightly drunken and very loud “Sssssh” admonishment from one of the group, before they entered their house.

  15. When my kids were little and really picky about what foods they would eat, our neighbour passed some lamb and chicken he’d bbq’ed over the fence. Our sons tucked in (absolutely no idea why they wouldn’t eat the same stuff I’d cooked. Everyone’s a critic).
    Since then, they’d always eat the meat I or their dad cooked. Christmas dinners are normal again! I can never thank them enough.

  16. Lovely Lynda next door. Unofficial bin lady for me and the guys over the road, so she pops my bin back after they’ve been to empty it.

    I pop round and take her baking, chat with her in the garden, and she let me hang a bird feeder in her tree, which I will be honest mostly attracted magpies haha!

    She’s lived in the house (semi) since it was built in the 50s and knows the local history. Lovely lady.

  17. Growing up, our neighbour next door would bring round all sorts of delicious food. She’d cook amazing Turkish meals for us, and was responsible for my love of stuffed vine leaves.

  18. I was adopted within hours of moving to my house. Neighbours are in their 70s but insist on doing things for me. I am categorically never allowed to put my own bins out (if I try they hear and appear in seconds to tell me off and take it from me) and if there’s ever a DIY issue with my house or garden I know as soon as I’m spotted holding any sort of tool that he will be round to help immediately.

    In return I buy things on Amazon for them and do bits of shopping. Not sure it’s a fair trade and often feels like a lot of this is the wrong way round…..

  19. I can often hear the family in the left house laughing and singing which is nice. Nothing unbearable and not like a party, just them having a good time as a family.

    The family on the right have young kids I can hear playing sometimes.

  20. My next door neighbour has a spare key to my house and let’s my cat in from the rain if he’s out and it’s starts raining if I’ve gone shopping or I’m away for a few hours. Does this with my permission of course, also looks after him when I’m a away for a few days.

  21. Have lived in the same flat for more than a year and have never met (or even seen) most of them!

  22. Watch each others cats, water plants, bring the bin in for me. Husband does jobs helps them out. We swap cuttings/veg. Extremely lucky to have, both sides, fantastic neighbours. To be honest all our street are nice. No issues, everyone helpful and friendly.

  23. Our neighbours are great and we have always got on really well with them. They have a 9yo son with autism who is mostly non-verbal. He says fewer than 10 words total, but one of those words is my dogs name which he shouts over the fence all summer long every time he sees my pup in the garden. Gets me in the feelings every time 🥺

  24. My neighbours (elderly couple) send one of their grandkids round with a piece of birthday cake whenever one of them has a birthday party in the house.

    Additionally, if we haven’t seen each other in a few days for whatever reason they text to check how I am (I live alone).

  25. The old Iranian lady upstairs who I always greet and talk to every time I see her always says, “Aww I really love you..” Her accent makes it so much sweeter 💕

  26. They put birdseed on the bird table in my garden (they can reach across from their side of the wall so it isn’t like they’re sneaking in to do it!). That’s one concrete example but they are just generally very friendly people.

  27. My upstairs neighbour saw my cat when she was accidentally locked out. She then took her in and asked the management for my details without telling them about the cat in case they didn’t know. So nice and considerate of them and told them management and landlord knows. Anyway – just overall nice couple.

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