We have been together 13 years married 4. Both work first shift jobs mine is earlier

So what do for fun throughout the week? Lately its just been us on the couch. She will watch tv shows ill watch a different one on tablet. Weekends we usually do something but are your weekdays just as boring or not…what do you do!

Side note…we go to gym at least 3 days a week..play video games together..just curious on what others do..

  1. At home: Boars games, Netflix, sex, talking about life.

    Going out: Restaurants, gym, hiking, shows, festivals, clubs, kayaking.

  2. Check out Airbnb Experiences. For our area, they have lots of different workshops (e.g., soap making, wine tours, biking tours).

    Also, Google for classes in your area. We have done a glass blowing class and resin cutting boards. We even did a class where we built tool boxes.

  3. We do a LOT of family stuff. My wife is a family woman through and through. We have 4 kids but she totally would have had 10 under other circumstances.

    Last winter we went on vacation to Dominican Republic with ……. 14 people, most of them family. It was awesome though. We all get along really well.

    When its just the 2 of us we like to go on walks, we hit the gym together, take day trips or 2 days trips together.

  4. I’m the wife, but we spend our time gardening. Hubby was never into it until I got him to watch a few episodes of Gardener’s World on BBC. Suddenly, I cannot keep that man out of the garden. So, we garden together approximately 15 hours a week. Once we moved and got settled, we discovered bird watching. We’re inside, feeders are outside, we have cameras, and they stream on our tv. We’re inside looking at them and researching them in real time while they’re outside at the buffet.

  5. At home we watch shows, cuddle, work in the garden, have sex, cook together, talk.

    Out of the house we go to our favorite bar, try new restaurants, go to the zoo, farmers market, walks around lakes.

  6. We don’t really do much stuff now but used to swim and love it.
    We watch some TV sometimes .
    We talk as lot ,does not sound fun but we love sharing fun facts and news with each other.

  7. Brisk walks while talking about books we’re reading, podcasts we’re listening to, etc.

    Go to the gym together — either I serve as her weightlifting coach and spotter or we take a spin class.

    Ballroom dance lessons! (Just started this at our community rec center)

    Membership to our local community playhouse (we go to one performance a month with two other couples we’re friends with)

    Sex (slowly trying to get my wife comfortable with oral sex — fingers crossed!)

    Day trips on the weekend (we look for activities within an hour’s drive)

  8. We have passed to a local theme park. On fridays we will take our daughter to school and go ride roller coasters and the. Go for 1.50 hot dogs at Costco.

  9. Her…….

    All jokes aside, our biggest shared passion is absolutely lamenting about just how dumb so many people are. Then doing everything humanly possible to raise our tiny people into big ones who do not display the stupidity we deal with every day. When we have free time it’s spent planning new things for the kids and occassionally escaping for a huge meal with just us 2 followed by laying around nude in our home while we do absolutely nothing but watch some mind rotting Netflix show which we usually admit we should have never started.

  10. I’m the wife.
    We go to the gym together, it’s easy because I do literally half the weight he does 😂
    A few nights a week, after we get the kids to sleep, at about 9:30, we go to bed early and have sex. We got a Beducated subscription so we’ve been watching those videos together.
    We did tennis for a while, but we realised it’s pretty terrible being at opposite ends of the court!

  11. We turned our family room into a game room. We listen to records and play pool in the evenings.
    I didn’t even know how to hold a cue stick until my husband taught me.

    He gave me some lessons. Now I’m really good. We do tournaments together. Thankfully he’s an amazing coach. He tells me he loves to play with me because I “make him work” for the win and even beat him on occasion! Of course he’s super proud of me when I win.

    We also enjoy sexy play time, frisbee golfing, golfing, fishing/canoeing, restoring classic cars, target practice(air rifles and range in our backyard), bonfires/music, and just generally hanging out together.
    I should mention that we live in the woods and our property is attached to a wildlife reserve, which makes a lot of what we do much easier, as it’s all just outside our door.
    We do a bunch of silly stuff too. We have so much fun. We’re best friends, so it’s easy to find things to do most times. Also we don’t own a tv, but we do watch videos or shows on the laptop at bedtime. 37 years together.

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