One night I was laying in bed with my fiancé when I glanced over at his phone to see him texting a girl. He’s told me about this girl from the start of our relationship and he has always told me that she’s a friend and that she goes through a tough time and is why he’s always texting her.

Anyways, on this night, I see that he’s texting her. I think nothing of it and just keep looking (invasion of privacy, fine.) but then I see that she’s sent him several photos of herself in a bikini in the jacuzzi. I’m completely stunned as I didn’t think “friends” sent each other bikini photos. He then proceeds to reply “beautiful”. At this point I’m MAD. I ask him why he replied that and he said it wasn’t a big deal. I said that it was weird of her to send bikini pictures to him, knowing that he had a girlfriend and that he was with me that night. He tells me that it’s not strange and that I’m being crazy.

I would also like to add that after the pictures were sent, she asked where he was. When he said that he was in the city where I studied, she asked why he was there and why I was there.

I thought it was a pretty big deal and so I get mad and we have an argument. Til this day, he still believes he did nothing wrong and she wasn’t flirting with him. Do you guys think I’m being crazy?

  1. If he’s not open about the nature of his relationship with this ‘friend’, she is probably a side piece instead of just a friend.

  2. Well that’s not how friends behave. I would not marry someone that treats me like that or tries gaslights me into thinking I’m crazy and he’s innocent. Start sending Bikini pictures to his best guy friends. You didn’t do anything wrong, right?

  3. You are not crazy, it‘s a real dick move to answer “beautiful” on some girls bikini pics while lying next to your girlfriend.

  4. How would he feel if you were sending pics of you in a bikini to a male “friend” ?

    I’m not jumping to cheating but this crosses a line. There are definitely some impure intentions at least from her side and if they can’t keep their “friendship” appropriate then something needs to change immediately.

  5. Oh hell no! This man does not respect you in the least. Sure, it’s okay to be friends with others of the opposite sex, but at no point is it okay for her to be sending him pictures of her in a bikini. And them him literally telling her “beautiful” WHILE HE IS LYING NEXT TO YOU IN BED. Then on top of that he is belittling your feelings and calling you crazy. Trust me, if you marry this man, he will be cheating on you. In fact, I’d be shocked if he isn’t already. Get rid of this loser.

  6. You’re right, this is weird. And that convo makes me think that this girl doesn’t even know you exist.

    Ask him how he’d feel about you sending bikini pics to a guy friend.

  7. Why is this man you fiance when he has no respect for you and has shown he can’t be trusted?

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