edit: forgot to add one detail, this person also said they weren’t looking for a serious relationship prior to asking you if you wanted to be FWB’s with them.

  1. Wordy way of saying he’s a cheater. I don’t entertain liar and cheaters so I’d cut them off.

  2. Depends how much I know him I guess. A lot of my fwb’s I don’t really know on a personal level so their life is none of my business. If they were a closer friend then I’d probably be annoyed that they lied about it.

  3. Like that person cannot be trusted, and also that they have no respect for women. Instant block and delete.

  4. I would go get an STD test, tell the other women what happened so she can also make that choice to get tested, and never talk to that person again that cheated.

  5. i mean, there’s literally “friend” in the term fwb. they’re obviously not a friend, so there’s no point in continuing.

    like, if someone doesn’t tell me relevant information, how tf am i supposed to trust them? trust them with my body? my health? if they can lie about this, have they also lied about std/sti testing, contraception and whatnot

  6. it’s good he was straight forward about the fact that he wasn’t looking for something serious. so IMO FWB makes sense if you consented to that level of relationship. however the real issue is if he ever communicated to you that ya’ll were exclusive.

  7. If they aren’t looking for a serious relationship, what they doing with a girlfriend? This person is a liar and a cheater. Don’t associate with them anymore, even if it was only ever about sex for you.

  8. I’d be going nuclear. I’m into ethical non-monogamy. Emphasis on the ethical part. If I’m not giving informed consent as to what’s going on, then I’m not acting ethically. So yeah, incoherent rage at making me break my own ethical guidelines. Oh and lying and cheating as well.

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