Edit: if*

  1. Sunset seeker. Dedicated to posting sunsets every day at my favorite beach spots.

  2. Heated Swimming pool. Swimming relax’s me better than any other exercise outside of sex.

  3. Pay people for cheap entertainment. “Hey go punch that guy”. “Hey you super straight guy, suck that guys dick for $10k? Ok, $20k”. “Hey you wanna fight a monkey?”.

  4. Buy a very expensive boat and go to sea sailing solo. I love Hiking and camping, but those are cheap adventures.

  5. Buying a steam locomotive plus cars to ferry the racecars and Warhammer around. And to confuse the fuck outta people.

  6. I will buy myself a full plate XVI century knight armor and go to participate in reconstructions.

  7. I’d travel the world and become a world renowned reviewer of strippers and strip clubs. I want to analyze and break it all down to it’s composite parts. The decor, the costumes, the music choices, the ambiance, the quality/styles/variety of dances, the staff and how they conduct themselves.

    I think it would be incredibly fun and a hilarious waste of money.

    If you want something less overtly sus, I think I’d like to get into either:

    * **Dancing** (So spending lots of money on lessons from the best teachers around the world and doing so in various differing disciplines from ballroom to hip hop to pole)


    * **Book Collection** (and build a massive library like in Beauty and the Beast just filled with every book that speaks to me). A life spent reading in a massive library feels very fulfilling.

    Now I’m wondering if it’s feasible to combine my love for literature with my love for attractive scantily clad women…

  8. 1. Buy island on the ocean
    2. Make secret base with traps etc
    3. Convince strangers to participate in secret reality show on my island
    3. Make people to fight (to death) each other to win big money

  9. Mountain-biking.

    The prices of mountain bikes these days are the same as motorcycles.

  10. Horseback riding. I’ve tried it and totally loved it! But so expensive, I could afford it but I won’t be able to go eating out and party with friends

  11. I probley would say goodby to my current life and any I know . And start living a travelers life of total freedom . Wandering and drifting all over the world , seeing new wonderful places , meeting new wonderful people , trying all kinds of new wonderfully delicious foods .

  12. Traveling.
    Trying new hobbies.
    Space for said hobbies.
    Time for said hobbies.

    Eg wood working, sculpting, gardening, Painting, board games, more poker, community work

  13. I would build a work shop from the ground up. It would mainly be wood working since I wanna get into building guitars, but it would also have a part of it be dedicated to metal fabrication, another 3D printing and resin casting for plastic fabrication, a big spray booth, and one part fully equipped big garage where I can work on cars.. ironically so I can fix them myself and don’t have to spend money on mechanics to fix them.

  14. Buying mansions
    Means whenever I see any mansion in Europe i truly want to buy them.
    But every mansion cost starts with $10 million

  15. Tactical and Competitive shooting. I’d also build my own range on land.

    Plus drag racing.

  16. Every year there is this “Birdman Contest” in Japan. People build their own man powered airplanes and try to get the prize. I would love to have the money and time to build my own pedal motorized plane…

  17. Vintage car racing. Mostly just upgrade my stuff, I’m into a lot of things but as an amateur its hard to justify the expense of pro level gear, but I like to get myself some nice things. For example climbing shoes, badminton rackets, bowling balls

  18. I’d not acquire new ones. But do the ones I have differently.

    Workouts? I would do even more sessions with a PT than I currently do.

    Diving? I’d go on more liveaboards, and would not evaluate the price as much as diving location, what I can see, probably pay for a personal guide, and ensure to fly business class out so I come out (and home) well rested. At the moment I’m prioritising getting my new apartment into order instead of looking into future travels.

    I’d pay off my apartment loans so the money I earn is pretty much spending and saving money apart from monthly bills.

    I’d treat my nephews and niece to even more things than I already do. I adore those kids and to spend time with them is a treat.

  19. Warhammer 40k, d&d with figures, building mobile suits figures, playing a tcg, pc gaming/virtual headset gaming, rock climbing, would make a decked out home gym and do fitness & mma, would take a chef course and take up cooking, would take some professional courses for my current painting hobby.

  20. Astrophotography, or just photography in general. I have a $300 phone and take good photos with it. I always wanted to better photos especially astrophographs which requires a good camera, telescope and mount with different filters to get started with.

  21. I would get my pew pew license and buy a couple pew pew’s. I like the CZ P01

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