Would you date a girl who once had a massive crush on your best friend? Why? Why not?

  1. Idk, I’d be wary because I wouldn’t want to feel like the second option. That said we’ve all had like school yard crushes and it’s more like an infatuation. So I’m kinda on the fence.

  2. Well yeah. I once had a massive crush on my best friend, so it would be pretty hypocritical of me.

  3. It depends on whether the best friend is still in the vicinity. I would take it as a given that her interest in me would just be a way of having *some kind* of relationship with my friend.

    The one thing I learned in my dating years is that if someone is not completely into you, then they are wasting your time. I had one girlfriend who was a “scalp collector,” meaning that she loved the excitement the chase and a new relationship, but she was *always* looking for someone better.

    When I met my wife, there was no question that she was completely into me, and I was certainly hooked on her! We’ve been together for thirty years now, and we are still very much infatuated with each other.

  4. That depends what has changed since then. I’m not exactly into the kind of girls my buddies like. Which is true for all of us so we never really get into conflict over a girl XD

  5. Nah, that’ll be weird. Plus it’ll poison that friendship. Plenty of girls out there that don’t have crushes on your friends and family.

  6. NOPE.

    Red flag moment. Good chance she’s doing it to get closer to him, or to try to make him jealous or something around those lines.

    Also not cool feeling like a 2nd place prize, especially in comparison to my own friend.

  7. Umm no. Seriously?? That’s not just a red flag but an entire red 10 story building.

  8. Probably not.

    Although how long ago it was and why she stopped being interested in him would be pretty crucial factors.

    Something back in Elementary School is a different animal from University days, at any rate.

  9. Yes I would. Cuz if she likes me now, I guess that means she’s moved on and is over with it. Might as well test it and find out by going out with her.

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