so i’ve dated a guy while i was studying abroad and when I moved back home we kept talking and making plans to see each other. I was literally there for him emotionally as if I never left the country. All of a sudden there was a shift in energy from his end. He still talked to me and stuff but when I told him that i found flights to go see him he was caught off guard. He claimed that he was interested and he liked me but when i saw that i was like wtf. so i asked him what he wanted out of this and he said that he’s not sure that he wants a long distance thing but he’s gonna think about it and he still wants to talk to me. I told him that he either decides what to do or he can forget about me. He didn’t take it well he said he doesn’t want to stop talking tome.

However, after this conversation he started replying to my texts after two days, i posted a photo on ig he didn’t like it and he hid me from his stories (i found out because my friend was like ive never seen him can i look him up and then we realised that he actually posted stories). I have valid ‘excuses’ as to why he’s behaving this way 1. he told me had serious family matters and wanted time for himself (ik its not a lie bc it’s a very delicate topic for hm), 2, he was on holiday so he doesnt have time to scroll insta + insta algorithim, 3. i, by a genuine mistake i unfollowed him it was his petty way to get back at me by muting me from his stories.

Last monday evening he talked to me about the trip and i played like a fool and was like ” no nice pictures yet? usually you spam insta with them.” to which said ” yeah barely had time to look at the photos” That made me so mad as I knew he was lying to me. He spoke to me last on tuesday like at 1am saying he was tired from the trip and he can’t wait to go home. He said good night and i saw the message later that morning and i simply liked the message and left him like that ever since. Even though im really mad at him and want to give him the cold shoulder and see if he will eventually check up on me after leaving him on read, I feel really bad and I dont know why. I feel like i could talk to him like an adult however my friends have been telling me that i’ve done enough chasing let him chase you if he really wants you. rejection sucks and im trying my best to focus on my other stuff but this is really making me anxious. What shall i do? shall i text him? or shall i keep it this way?

Tl;dr i feel like im the one pulling away by ghosting, not him who was just blunt

  1. Take a hint and stop chasing him. He’s just not that into you anymore. Move on.

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