I’ve been struggling to find friends and even when I meet people I can’t seem to connect with anyone. I have social anxiety that I have no social skills and I’ve never really had any friends either, just aquintances. I don’t know where to meet people or how I can get their attention to be interested in me because noone seems interested in me.
I ask people to hang out but it doesn’t happen and I’m literally the one making the effort to talk to people when noone talks to me first.
I really want friends to enjoy life with and I find it hard to make new friends when I don’t already have friends to meet more people with.

  1. Hi, I connect to this post on deep level and I understand how you feel. Connecting with people is always hard especially when you don’t have too many to connect with. Some people just don’t like putting effort in relationships and it sucks when it’s one-sided. Those aren’t people you want to be around honestly. Maybe try asking some of your acquaintances if they could hook you up with some friends of theirs or mutuals, if that’s a struggle, I recommend getting on social media and find people that have similar interests as you, for example if you like a certain tv show or book series, maybe post about it or reach out/ share what you like. Reddit is a great place to do stuff like that and twitter/tumblr as well! I hoped this helped i’m sorry if it didn’t but if you ever wanna chat or just say something, feel welcome too. 🙂

  2. I know your pain all too well bruh, but sadly i dont know what to do either, its all so mentally draining.but I wish you the best tho💯

  3. If I may ask, how old are you? Understanding what stage of life you are at will help better answer your question

  4. Same! Except I can’t make myself go and talk to people! It’s very scary and I can’t do it. I’ve only made one friend in the last 4 years of my life. Even making online friends is a real struggle.

  5. The best advice I can give you for making friends is: try to attend regularly to some places. If you start taking dancing classes, or going to a cafe, or learning something new in a course, you will meet the people that goes there and eventually build friendships

  6. Having a friend whom you can open up to and talk freely with is a great blessing. But sometimes, feeling lonely and sad because you don’t have such a friend can also happen. It can also be frustrating to feel that people who don’t approach you are distant.

    However, there are surprisingly many people who think just like you. Many people want others to approach them first. Therefore, there’s no need to resent those who don’t approach you first. If you want to make friends, you should approach them first. You’re doing well.

    If you want to approach someone and maintain a relationship with them, it’s a good idea to build empathy. Building empathy plays a big role in creating a sense of unity and cohesion in human relationships.

    The easiest way to build empathy is to find common interests. If you find common interests such as hobbies, places you live, or music, the intimacy will quickly increase. The reason why people in clubs or societies can quickly become close is also because they have the same interests.

    Finally, gratitude is the mindset you need to make friends. It’s a good idea to have a sense of gratitude for the person who approached you first, knowing that approaching others can be difficult. A sense of gratitude can make even small connections feel precious.

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