Me and this girl has been talking for 3 months now and it’s obvious we both like each other and i got some confirmation from her friends that she does like me back too. But sometimes she gives me super mixed feelings and i have no idea what to do? Sometimes she can be super energetic in texts and sometimes she can be dry in text. I’m a huge overthinker and whenever she starts to become dry it bothers me a lot.

She has never been into a relationship before and have never been in a talking stage with someone before. So maybe she is not experience in all of this? How do i overcome this overthinking?

  1. You’re not in a relationship yet so it’s normal for people to be insecure, uncertain, and ocilate between “yes” and “no”. That’s a normal part of the early feeling out process. Everyone is trying to figure out if the other person likes them and how much. My advice is to try to be okay with this uncertainty and to be okay with her uncertainty too..if you eventually build a closer connection and a relationship, then the insecurity will typically go down if it’s a healthy relationship.

  2. Girls tend to get a little hot and cold because most of us tend to play hard to get or maybe she is not big on texting. Have you met her in person?

  3. Maybe its because you are taking too long to take the first step.

    Or because she has other things in life that bother her.

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