What did you stop doing that you now regret?

  1. I used to love playing piano and guitar. I even attended music school and was passionate about music. But after I finished, I gradually stopped playing, and now I regret it. I miss the joy and satisfaction of playing and wish I had kept it up.

  2. Trying to make friends. At some point in my early school life the abuse by my peers got so bad, that I just shut myself off, thinking I’d be better off by myself. Turns out I was dead wrong and today, making friends is hard and feel pretty lonely.

  3. Exercising. I just “don’t have time” for it anymore. I used to be in the gym for 3+ hours a day, constantly going out and trying new things (I found out I love indoor rock climbing!), and was part of a competitive ballroom/Latin dance team (but I wasn’t any good).

    I miss it so, so, *so* much.

  4. Being the creative person I once was.


    I haven’t completely stopped but it has drastically reduced due to dental school and work.


    I was so passionate about it. Whether it was drawing, painting, sketching, crafts, stitching I can do it all, but I don’t anymore.

  5. Playing squash. I loved it. A great way to whack away all the frustrations in my life. I’m now too old to start again.

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