This is the jist of it, met a girl on tinder(we are kinda far apart though, more than 100km), texted for about two weeks, went on a date, it ended on good terms, so to speak. Then we scheduled a date 2 weeks after that, she postponed but she wanted to reschedule. We kept texting for the last 2 weeks, quite a lot actually, but here is where the problem appeared. In the last 2 days she has been dry texting, plus we agreed on a date yesterday but she said she forgot :))

Anyways she offered to reschedule again and I dont know what do to, I kinda struggle with overthinking and aint got so much experience either.

Any advice? Should I go, should I not go? I mean, I dont mind she had to reschedule but I dont like how she forgot about the date.

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