i’ve been dating this person for like 2 years now, and we always split the bill. i just want to know if this is normal before i bring it up to them.

  1. Don’t let society dictate what’s “normal”. Whatever works for you and your partner is fine. I don’t see a problem with it. Especially if you don’t have the means yet.

  2. It’s normal if that’s okay with you!

    My previous relationships (platonic and romantic) we normally just take turns covering the bill in full

  3. It’s been 2 years, seems like it’s the normal for your relationship now. Question is, can you live with this arrangement long term or is it becoming a dealbreaker for you?

  4. Normal? What do you know about being normal? What does anyone in this subreddit know about being normal? We act normal, man, I wanna be normal!

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