How would you feel if your bestfriend and ex will be in a relationship (no cheating involved)?

  1. I would laugh my ass off if my best friend would try to get my ex girlfriend like that would be he’s rock bottom.

  2. Depends on the ex and why we broke up.

    Mutual breakup because we just weren’t the right fit for each other, and it’s been quite a while? Not a problem.

    If she tried to date the one that caused me all the trauma that I am still dealing within therapy, we’d be having words. Partially because she should be goddamn smart enough not to make the same mistakes I did with the same person! But mostly because I wouldn’t want her to go through what I did, and I don’t think he’s changed enough for that not to happen. So I would be very, very concerned about her well-being if she were to date him. And if she decided to date him anyways, I don’t think we’d be friends. Because I don’t think I could watch him do that to someone I care about that much.

  3. Depends who broke up with whom.

    If I dumped him then I wouldn’t mind. Same if we just mutually separated because we grew apart. If he dumped me, or really hurt me in some way (e.g. cheating), it would hurt, and a good friend wouldn’t do that to you.

  4. If we’re talking about my first ex, I’d be like “girl. Girl, no, you can do WAY better, please, let me find you a toadstool or something, seriously, the toadstool is better than him.”

  5. I’m close to both my best friend and one of my exes. If they somehow started dating I would be shocked and devastated. Don’t think I would feel comfortable still being friends with either bc I talk about sex life with both & that topic would become awkward real quick.

  6. Ugh, it just feels gross. You go to hang out with your friends and their partners and… your ex is there. No thank you.

  7. If it was someone I was in a serious relationship with, then that friend wouldn’t be a friend anymore. It’s just too weird.

  8. All of my exes made me cry on a regular basis so if my BEST friend wanted to share a bed with a person who put those tears there, then I’d probably guess she was never really my best friend.

  9. My friends are so out of my exes league, I would be worried for them and try to talk them out of it lol.

  10. I would be shocked if they didn’t lmao

    Not my bestie, others yeah but anything can happen.

  11. It’s been many years and I’m in a much better relationship now, so I don’t really care what my exes do. I’d just think my friend was an idiot for wanting to be with someone like that.

    Now if this while I was still mourning the breakup (especially if I was the one who’d been dumped), I would feel crushed and we wouldn’t be friends anymore.

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