If you’ve ever ended a relationship and regretted it, what was the reason?

  1. She was dumb and suspicious of everything. I regretted it for a while, then I met my wife.

  2. Only breakup I had that I regretted wasn’t because I wanted her back, but because I found it hard to believe I’d find someone who would treat me nearly as good as she did.

    She was wonderful and I cherish the time we had and she set the bar very high for future partners, but I just wasn’t in love with her. I won’t to into details here, but in summation I realized it was either stay together, develop resentment over the years, and eventually split with both of us miserable, or hurt us a little in the present to avoid all that pain.

    It took almost 2 years after and several situationships and bad dates to get me to the point of regretting it. I could have settled, but that’s not what I want with my future partner. For a long time I seriously questioned myself and if I’d ever find anyone who would make me happy or that I’d be in love with. I’ve finally healed from it and I know my ‘one’ is out there. That ex gave me the skills and tools I needed to grow as a person and be a good man to my partner. I just need to keep looking.

  3. I got into a small argument with my girlfriend. I didn’t think she apologized enough, so I kicked her out and said I didn’t want to talk to her again. I didn’t mean it; I just wanted her to know I was really mad. I was young and didn’t really understand how to disagree yet.

    She took me seriously – She left, and I was too proud to apologize and reach out. We never spoke again. Its one of my biggest what ifs in life.

  4. Yeah. I was bored and other really attractive girls were making passes at me when they saw how pretty my girlfriend was.


    Guess what happened once I was single? Nothing. My ex was wonderful and to date I’ve had it reinforced over and over again that finding a girlfriend that wonderful is a rare thing.

  5. I ended a relationship with a woman who I found out was a virgin / never dated anyone and didn’t disclose this to me.

    I regret the timing of me ending it because I didn’t consider how she might have felt. We’d been together for about a month and one night had our first sexual encounter. In a night we basically did it all, hand stuff, mouth stuff, butt stuff, ect. She wanted to do it all and wasn’t afraid, she was so eager I assumed it just meant she was freaky.

    However I find out afterwords that she’d never done ANYTHING before and I was also her first kiss. It felt absolutely insane to me that a 22 year old women just let it all go in one night to someone she’d been with for a month and hadn’t disclosed any of it too. It gave me a really weird vibe because of the huge gap in experience and places in life.

    Let me explain, I was a fair bit older than her and she was already just over my age gap rule. For context I was like, 26 or something. I was settled, finished college, had a full time job, and was primarily looking for someone to settle down seriously with but wasn’t at all closed minded to the idea of a sexually fueled relationship. However, the impression I got that night was that she was…and I didn’t feel as though I was the right fit for that at all.

    My sexual history was quite explorative. Leagues above what she would even be able to comprehend. It felt dirty and wrong to know I did all those things to her the first time in one night the way I did them and with her eagerness to have them done.

    Basically, I felt like I had done something wrong by giving her this illusion that I would have done those things knowing she was a virgin and that I, as the traditional male in the situation, wouldn’t want to take things slow. Except I did, at least with her and especially after finding out she was a virgin prior.

    Anyways, I talked to her about how I felt and we talked a bit and I decided I didn’t quite want to have the dynamic she was looking for and suggested a bit of a reevaluation of where we stood. She took this as me breaking up with her…a few days after we spent a full night doing nasty purtrid things to each other. I didn’t at all consider how she would have felt or her stance emotionally or as a woman.

    A few days later I hit her up, apologized and explain that those things never came to my mind and I felt horrible because it likely could have been seen as though I just used her. A month or so later she texted me on Instagram and basically said us seperating was better for her in the long run because in her mind because of how much more experienced / older I was she subconciously pressured herself into express laning our relationship and she realized what she needed versus what she wanted was someone closer to her own experience to grow with and learn with.

    Tl;dr – Literally did every nasty deed in a single night with a girl who told me the next day she’d never done anything, not even sexy kissing, before that night and I didn’t evaluate the situation correctly.

  6. I couldn’t control my drinking and she left

    We would still be together this day

  7. How does one minimize regret or grass is greener syndrome?

    I’m really split on what to do with my LTR.

    She has some great qualities, but ultimately we end up arguing and fighting and not communicating well through turbulent times.

  8. 6 months with a chick mostly due to my desire for constant sex with an attractive woman. It clearly came from a place of low self esteem at the time. Seeing my friends get laid more than me despite me being an attractive guy, etc.

    It was a mistake. She caught feels quick, she was an emotional disaster, and breaking it off was very messy

    10/10 would not recommend. Do not date needy women guys. Clearly I was sort of needy myself which is why I ended up in that situation.

  9. Wasn’t ready for the commitment. Spent more than a decade trying to get that feeling back

  10. It was my fault; I didn’t communicate nearly enough.
    I made the decision to end it because I was going through some personal things and I thought it would be better for her for me to break it off.
    Later, after talking with her, I discovered that had I actually opened up my mouth and talked about things, she would have been accommodating to my situation and given me the space I needed to figure shit out.

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