I (19f) got drunk last night with my boyfriend (23m) but he was fine. I’m the one who couldn’t control myself. I knew what I was doing and also knew what i was saying, put on this whole act even though I could have remained quiet. Our relationship is fairly new and we were friends prior. Our families would never accept us. Whilst under the influence i told him to get with other girls and that we wouldn’t work. He looked away, I told him to look at me. He asked if I loved him. I replied Yes i do of course. Then he said I don’t want anyone else but you. Are you seeing someone else? I told him no. I’m not. After going back and forth, i said lets go bowling. We went walking over the city late at night for quite an hour. We checked the place and it was closed. I was ranting about god knows what. He became fed up and said i’m here with you now late, I can just go home you know. I said bye. He said I can’t leave you alone like this and have to get you home. I feel extremely bad now. What can I do to make it up for him? I don’t want to hurt him any longer. Any advice..

Tl;DR – i got drunk last night and brought up breaking up to my boyfriend even though I knew what I was doing under the influence. What can I do to make it up for him. I really want to spend the rest of my life with him.

  1. You could just apologize to him and let him know you were under the influence of alcohol. I am pretty sure he’ll be understanding as long as you don’t do this again.

  2. Control your drinking would be the first step. It sounds like you have some emotions and feelings that you’re not directly telling him. Either feelings of insecurity or something that is making you push him away. Those are better discussed directly and sober

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