Women of reddit, what’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

  1. I saved myself from tumbling down a hill by turning a mid-stride slip into a deep lunge. It’s the closest I’ll ever get to feeling like Neo from the Matrix ahaha

  2. Moved to another country in middle of covid all alone lots of km away. I guess..

  3. Sang in front of all my coworkers on a company party a few years back! It was scary but very fun

  4. Last year I attended my first Comic Con in cosplay (although it was as a Star Wars alien OC, not any particular character).

  5. I hiked a volcano while it was erupting. It was a very active volcano that had small eruptions very often, it was spectacular.

  6. I don’t want to brag but I often work 6 days a week, try to workout regularly, keep my home relatively clean and cook for myself now and then, without having a nervous breakdown more than once a year, so I think it’s pretty cool, lol.

  7. Sang in Carnegie Hall. I wasn’t a soloist, just in the chorus, but it was the experience of a lifetime.

  8. Ten years ago, I was a 19yoF, and a guy accidented my car with his. Nothing major but approximately 300$ of reparation. At that time I agreed that we would keep in touch on social media for the refund because I trusted him. Obviously, he never answered me. But….. I saw him again one year after in local bar, I grab him by the s-shirt tell him that he owes me 300$ and that I want it right fucking now. Well, he heard me and gave me the money and disappeared in the crowd.
    For the records I was 5p5 110lbs and him probably 6f 200lbs.

    Found my self really badass

    Sorry for my english.

  9. Scrubbed into an exploratory surgery on a dog when I was 19 yo.

    Worked as a veterinary assistant in a rural area. The vet needed some extra hands and the tech had to monitor vitals, so it was me. One of the best days of my life and solidified my desire to be a surgeon. Too bad I couldn’t afford the schooling.

  10. I’ve been able to do and see a bunch of amazing things at work (I’m a field biologist). One time I got to help treat and tag a rattlesnake. Meaning I held a very live and very awake rattlesnake.

  11. That I got over the insecurity about my height and started working out and became social.

  12. Dove through a Hulu hoop hanging from a tree while wasted. Graceful with a perfect flip and landing.

  13. Quit my job of 12 years with 5 days notice (I had days to clear) when the nonsense and office politics finally came to a head, moved to Qatar where my partner was working.

  14. Now that I think about it, all the abroad stuff. A minor in Germany, two month long Interrails, one with a language course in Spain, a masters in the UK. Took my Dutch bike to all the places I’ve lived.

  15. Moved to two different countries in the span of 5 years. Living the dream of my 15-year old self.

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