Any country which social media, news or your bad experiences don’t dampen your wish to visit or visit again, because of the positives outweighing them.

  1. The USA. I’m currently in the process to file to move there and I visited many times. People paint in such a negative way on social media and the news are suffocating, I just don’t read those.

  2. Iran. Terrible country for women, but I’d really love to see Isfahan in person and enjoy their wonders.

  3. I love Cairo. I know there are some pretty bad issues with women’s harassment (which I personally haven’t experienced) and the government is getting more and more repressive but it’s still one of my favorite places. It would take the government doing something spectacularly awful (they’re already at really awful) to make me boycott/ stop going there.

  4. The general geographical location rarely gets any praise, but I’d love to visit Uzbekistan in my lifetime

  5. Israel. I was fortunate enough to go when I was a kid to visit some family I never got to know outside of brief (and pricey) visits. I remember loving most of the trip! I’d love to go back as an adult.

  6. Well I lived in China for a year before the pandemic and traveled to 15 provinces there, it already had bad press then, and I’m currently applying to jobs to move back ; would at least love to travel there again.

    For me it’s a bit like the US in that it has a lot of political issues (more human rights issues in China, more violence and lack of safety in the US) but it has so many things you might want to visit, such a variety of cities and landscapes… Plus Chinese history and culture is super interesting and the food is very diverse depending on the province.

  7. I’ve been to 17 ‘developing’ countries considered unsafe or unstable and I would go back to all of them. You don’t know a place till you’ve been to it yourself and can make your own judgement.

  8. China.

    Also had nothing but amazing experiences solo travelling in England, despite my UK friends telling me that every city looks like shite lol, and the media writing a fair bit on racism in the UK. I’m *not* saying I doubt the latter is a societal issue (I don’t have anywhere near enough knowledge on the UK to have an opinion on this), just that I personally didn’t encounter it and therefore had a lovely time there.

  9. Mexico. I live in southern AZ and go down there regularly. It *can* be very dangerous and I have had some questionable experiences but I just love it down there so much.

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