I (25F) found myself in a sexual relationship with a guy that is beyond fantastic. I can’t believe how comfortable he makes me feel and treats me like a queeen in the bedroom! However, I start mentally looping that I’m so awkward and can’t stack up against his experience level.

Does anyone have advice on how to break that mental block and how to start vocalizing/cueing(beyond moaning) that I’m in heaven?

  1. Literally just say when something feels good…we guys love that!

    Take his hand and place it where you want him to play with you. If there was something he did in a particular way that has made you scream before, tell him you want him to do it exactly as he did before. This way you are directing your man whilst simultaneously stroking his ego…again, we love that. 🙂

    Perhaps also tease him during the day, send him a saucy text telling him what you are imagining him doing to you (you might find it easier to write down your thoughts before vocalising later on).

  2. Do you make noise when you’re alone? If you get in the habit of doing it when.you’re alone and more comfortable, it might come more naturally to you when you’re with someone else.

  3. Whatever you’re thinking in the moments when you’re having sex, just say those things out loud. Being vocal always amps the experience for both when either are able to do it.

  4. I’ve been with my husband ten years and I’m an anxious introvert with mental health issues lol. It’s always difficult for me to speak up in this context when it strictly comes to pleasure. I basically had four things I rotated. “Oh fuck” and “fuuuuck” then “I’m gonna cum” and “I’m cumming.” My husband is also fantastic and treats me like a queen so I get wanting to reciprocate the great feelings.

    I started by adding a couple single syllable words to the vocabulary. Then I would add another word and I basically have this small pool of things to say that can be mixed and matched. Another big thing for me is that if I speak or express myself during sex, I’m more on the quiet side. I’m mostly whispering because I’m so elated with pleasure and can be short of breath and being normal volume doesn’t feel right to me. With my husband, a little less is more, so the following is good for us without being too much for our personalities. Some tamer things:

    “Oh my god” — “Oh my god [name]”

    “You feel so good”

    “This feels so good”

    “You feel amazing”

    “I’ve been waiting for you all day”

    “I love you inside me”

    Relaxed eye contact and biting your lip and making a “mmmm” sound

    Arch a little or embrace tighter and say “yes, yes, yes!”

    This has allowed my to become more confident at a comfortable rate. Hope this helps. 🙂

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