Men, who lost their healthy relationship just for a one night stand or hookup, how did you feel after that?

  1. I lost mine due to a one night stand but I was the one who did it, she did. It was a really bad breakup, took awhile but I’m ok now and ready to get back out there.

  2. You’re not gonna get a real answer for this question.

    The men who have cheated and have ruined their relationship and hurt their woman/man are too cowardly to openly admit it. So they aren’t gonna comment.

  3. She slept with my best friend when I was visiting my sick relative overseas I came back and her sister told me, I never talked to that girl or my bestfriend again. I got a invite on Facebook to their wedding in 2021 I told them they could go to hell and my former best friend said I shouldn’t be upset about shit that happened in 2017

  4. “just for”, thats a pretty big deal. I would feel like shit, I would never forgive myself. Luckily for me I have a pretty high moral and would never do because I trust myself

  5. What a stupid mistake. You should have known better. You don’t throw away something so valuable for a one night stand. You got what you deserved.

  6. There are these 2 feelings. Love and Lust.
    And one of them is more stronger than the other.
    Love is strong but Lust is more powerful.

    So after you give in to your lust… Yes, you feel bad, if you get caught. And now you lose the things that you love and are more long term.

    But if you are in tune with yourself, you realize deep inside that giving into your lust felt good and you would probably do it all over again if you didn’t get caught.
    So that understanding makes me feel better.

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