Women with pets: What is the cutest thing about them?

  1. I have 7 week old kittens right now and they’re so entertaining to watch. They never sit still when they’re awake and they’re constantly playing with each other. More entertaining then TV

  2. how gentle and loving they are towards me and my children, I have a large cat (maine coon) and two horses

  3. My senior Boston terrier is like living with a tiny grumpy old man. He grumbles (at everything lol) in the most adorable way.

  4. When they’re purring and rolling around to make sure they get them pets all over.

  5. When they stare at you with the googly big eyes. Similar to puss in boots, but with dogs lol.

  6. All of my pets have been wonderful. The dog I have now is ginormous and yet the cutest thing on the planet. He’s so freaking loving and loyal. Well, at least to our family. He hates everyone else which poses a bit of a problem but at least we are safe.

  7. Everything! His long whiskers, soft body, and gentle purrs just to name a few.

  8. Their little noses and their soft ears and the little whiskies and the toe beans and their smooshy faces and their bellies and….

  9. My boy cat will drag his feather stick upstairs or downstairs to whoever he believes is most likely to play with him. You can hear the bell hit the stairs and you know he’s dragging it behind him. 😂

    My girl cat is content just snuggling and watching birds. When she sees birds she’ll start chirping at them (our boy cat never chirps) and it’s the cutest thing.

  10. With my older girl: She’ll only eat a high-value treat if she has 100% of your attention. You can’t leave the room or be doing anything else. You need to make eye contact so she can enjoy it. If you do leave the room, she will stop and wait quietly until you come back. She also cries from happiness for 3-5 minutes before eating the treat.

    For my younger girl: She has to be touching you at all times while eating a high-value treat. She needs her butt to be in your lap and you petting her while she eats.

    So when we do treats, we all sit in the middle of the living room floor, my baby in my lap and making a fuss over my older girl’s treat, and everyone’s happy.

    Also, our sleeping positions are my older girl spooning my head on my pillow and my puppy sleeping curled into my neck.

    Also, every morning when we wake up, we do a big “Good morning” celebration, with lots of excited kisses. We’re just so happy to start a new day!

    Also, our tricks! My puppy is still learning, but my older girl loves doing tricks. She jumps through my arms, dances, closes doors and cabinets, and she’s always so proud of herself!

  11. She’s a German Shepherd mixed with (we think) Corgi, so she’s short, stocky and thick. Literally everything about her is adorable, but she has this amazing double chin that I love so much! It’s probably the cutest thing ever!!

  12. We have a 3 year old basset mix. She’s such a goon. Probably my favorite is how she demands attention – she’ll paw at your arm/hand to get it moving towards her chest. If you fail to take that hint she’ll full on stand on your lap 😂. She’ll also back up and sit herself in your lap then crane her head all the way back to look at you like “?? You gonna pet me??” Which I love because the massive ears go flopping 🥰

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