If I am interested in a girl do I need to use a pick up line? Can I just be like, “Hey, nice shoes” or something. Also, do I need to flirt with her? Can I have a normal conversation and be like “whats your instagram” afterwards. How aggressive should I be on the flirting, like can I say that they are beautiful? IDK anymore

  1. Its what youre comfortable with to be honest. Nice shoes seems like an okay way to start a convo. Usually using a conversation starter based on your surroundings is good. Pick up lines are basically ice breakers because theyre funny or silly and obviously is direct with what you want.
    Aggressiveness… Not sure what you mean by that.

  2. It depends on where you are. Is this online or IRL? I think pick up lines might be good at a bar or on a dating site but nowhere else.

  3. Good Lord no. Girls hear enough of them. She’ll mentally sort you into the same bin as guys who post fish pics on Tinder.

    Be original, be yourself, be genuine. And if she isn’t interested, don’t dissect it as if saying something different would have changed her response.

  4. Showing a genuine interest in her as a person goes a long way! So you could totally start the convo with a compliment and then ask questions about her interests, hobbies etc

  5. No one uses actual pick up lines in real life. How you approach someone really depends on the context — itll be different if its in an environment where people are expected to socialize (a party) or just a random place in public, for example. With the latter you’re always going to need to give someone a reason as to why youre approaching them or else its just going to be weird or creepy. If youre somewhere like in class, for example, its fine to just introduce yourself in any way you want.

    I would just ask yourself this: how would you go about making a new friend? Just do that, but with girls. At the end of the day, if you vibe with someone and you ask if theyd be down to hang out sometime, they’ll understand that you’re interested in them. You dont need to do anything extra, its just cringe. If you want to say you thought they were cute or something too before asking them to hang out, then do that, but dont go overboard or itll be creepy.

    “Hey, i had a lot of fun talking to you last night and itd be nice to get to know you more. Let’s get coffee sometime?”

    Like thats a perfect way to set up a date if you had talked to someone and gotten their snap the day before. But again, what youll say and do also depends on your age.

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