Hey I’m 19 yo male, I’m sitting here wondering how to grow up.

I have had multiple experiences in the city meeting people who I don’t talk to anymore and they have all become very different people, i get caught off guard everyone see them and I start envying them or I at least look at myself and think. What did they do to change and why can’t I seem to grow up.

I feel stuck in my life, and I feel bad everytime I see how different people have become. So what are people doing that matured them so much? I can’t place a finger on it, I just wish I could mature like them. 🙁

  1. Dude, slow down. Enjoy this time. You’ll be 33 and living your best life before you know it.

  2. 19 male here. i totally understand you, i also feel like i didn’t grow up and i’m stuck in life. i think the only thing we can do is what that other fellow in the comments said: just slow down

  3. What makes them seem more “grown up” to you? Do they have careers? Are they starting families?

    How do you define mature?

  4. I’m 22 and feel the same. I’m now starting to mature but I’m clearly a late bloomer. Just be patient with yourself, we all develop at different paces.

  5. As a fellow 19 year old guy (who has maybe “grown up” by your standards) here’s my advice 🙂

    Try new things! 19 is typically your first step into adulthood, and the reason these people seem so ‘grown up’ isn’t because they grew up, it’s just because their values changed. Getting new experiences is the best way to grow and understand your own values.

    If you’ve never worked before, try getting a part time job. If you miss growing mentally, maybe try a local college. Go for a massive biking trip, walk as far as your legs will take you, maybe even join a video game competition. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s a new experience for you.

    This is all just advice that works for me though, it could be helpful or it could be useless.

    Overall, it sounds like you’re dissatisfied with the way you’re living – which is okay. The important question to ask is *why*? Are YOU unhappy with your life, or are the expectations of society making you unhappy with yourself. There’s not necessarily anything wrong with having a computer and playing video games.

    Once you know *why* you’re unhappy, we can talk about what to do

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