So it’s Good Friday in Easter in Australia at the moment, and something is really driving me crazy.

I hate the way I speak, I hate the way I intonate, I hate the way I converse with other people. I experience constant obsessive thoughts about the way that I am perceived by others. I am always guessing and second-guessing, always trying to figure out how others perceive me.

I’m very confused by who I am. I don’t have a strong grasp on how I come across to others.

For context, I am a 21 year old male. I have a good family and decent friends whom I keep in touch with regularly. In many ways, I feel quite socially connected, which I guess makes the situation even more confusing. I am also gay and I feel that this is quite obvious – I am not very masculine (in both looks and mannerisms). I am sensitive and empathetic and can tune into others. I am not very assertive and I have never been comfortable with physical touch and banter that is typically the currency of male relationships.

I am not sure if this is an experience which other males here resonate with, but I sense that others just don’t really give me the time of day. I am articulate and kind but this doesn’t seem to be something that people around me value in men. They don’t dislike me, they don’t have any major problems with me, but I just get this feeling that I’m not worth other people’s time.

My family don’t ask or check on what I’m doing. I am currently seeing a 53 year old man and I feel like such a fraud for hiding this from my parents, but they’d be pretty horrified. I sometimes feel ignored by friends. Throughout school, I was the butt of major jokes and teasing. None of my close friends in those days listened to what I had to say. I have had strangers comment on my physical appearance and mannerisms.

And to top this all off, I dislike who I am and the way I am. I am not sure if this is a common experience.

Please let me know your thoughts.

  1. You hate what you ‘think’ about yourself. Not your actual self.. big difference.

  2. How much do you think it helps that you’re dating a man the age of your father?

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