For me it’s knowing that someone out there has a bigger pokemon collection then me. And also knowing the universe is still expanding and that earth could’ve ended in an infinite amount of times, also me believing in the multiverse theory that in another universe earth is destroyed. How long is our planet gonna be lucky?

  1. How the world could’ve been if we, the people, stopped bickering and worked together.

  2. The fact that many of the problems men face are ignored especially when sexism and gender equality are brought up. It is shocking how many times I’ve been told that “Men have it easy” or “Men have it bad, but women have it worse so you can’t complain.” This ideology will only divide us further and makes it very hard sometimes to express my feelings about issues, and care about others.

  3. My kid.

    Also, the thought of my wife falling out of love with me, leaving me, and my life ultimately becoming such a monument to failure, that the long sleep will be the only way I’ll get any without hating myself.

    Also needing to pee.

  4. That my children will have their own food, shelter, clothing as independent adults.

    That my wife is happy and fulfilled.

  5. 1. that my teddy bear is bigger then me.
    2. Halo.. think about it a lot
    3. How ridiculous i can be especially with wanting to wear car ears 😂

  6. Anxiety and regret over ending my relationship mostly due to general stress and anxiety, and also that general stress and anxiety

  7. Usually my stoned musings on my own life and what I’m gonna do with it. I graduate in a year if all goes well and the sheer possibilities are intimidating. Not quite sure which path I’ll go down, or where it’ll lead. Which city do I move to? Do I travel first? Pursue a career? Try and meet a guy/gal? Get a respectable job? Say fuck it and write smut while reviewing weed? Move abroad? Idk.

    I know vague ideas of what I wanna do, but overall I’m just excited and also terrified of the possibilities

  8. My dog needs to wake me up for some different reason around 1am. Other than that I would sleep so soundly.


  10. having a high libido. PRAISE to you men that do, your wives/girlfriends thank you for it.

  11. The fact that the universe is thought to have collapsed and then re-expanded multiple times as a “big bounce” and has been going through cycles reinventing itself, but our universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, therefore will not collapse again. Basically our rendition of existence is the last one to every happen and eventually it will end with nothingness after the big rip and heat death.

  12. Well if you’re believing in a multiverse theory, I hate to break it to you there’s likely more destroyed earth’s than surviving one’s.

  13. I’m going to go with the planet. Is going to die about 20 years after I do, and my kids have to deal with that.

  14. I don’t have enough ammo. I don’t have a clear field of view out the North side of the home. I haven’t been to the range in months. Explosives are regulated. Certain perimeter defenses are illegal. The walls and windows aren’t bullet resistant. There isn’t enough Earthen berm around the downstairs walls. The jeep needs to be concealed (i.e., stored in the garage). My MREs are aging out. My wife is gluten-free.

    You know – normal stuff. 😉

  15. Will I find someone who loves me as much as I love them, cause of all my relationships and friendships it’s so far been a no and it’s demoralizing and kinda makes me never want to retreat away from people more then I have

  16. Work related stress. The burden of leadership and the expectation of performance.

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