I know she likes me, she does little things like surprises me with freaky stuff, sends visuals, video fun, checks in on me, wishes me well…

What can I do to find out if she’s just doing this for her own fun or if she has genuine feelings for me? How can you tell?

It’s long distance so I’m trying to figure out how into me she is.

  1. Is this a person you have a physical relationship with or an online relationship. She’s not gonna let a guy penetrate her unless she is at least mildly interested or is getting paid

  2. Lmao, all those things are easy for a woman to fool anyone. Make her do some stuff which is a little harder to do or requires genuine effort. For example, find the nearest city from where she lives and ask her to collect something for you. It should make her travel for atleast an hour to go and then an hour to come back. Check her reaction if she’s genuinely happy to do something for you. Or else, good luck.

  3. There is no one test that can “prove” people’s feelings. That’s why relationships are supposed to last for years before marriage – it’s proven over time.

    As you progress through a relationship, commitment increases from both partners. If one of those partners is in it for selfish gain, it becomes harder and harder to fake as they’re supposed to fork over more and more of themselves to make the relationship work.

    Just pace yourself, let the relationship mature naturally. She’s doing nice stuff for you right now, so just enjoy things in the present and reciprocate. Nobody can predict the future or read minds, but enjoy things as they are right now and you’ll at least have that to take home with you, whatever happens in the future.

  4. 1. Everything a girl or guy does is for themselves. So yes, being the way she is with you does excite her.

    2. You cant tell unless youre interacting in person and with time. Its long distance so until youre in person you wont have a concrete way to find out “how much” shes into you. You can only tell that she at the minimum likes you enough to give you attention long distance.

  5. Well, the constant putting her hand down my pants thing is sort of a tip off for me.

  6. Women don’t do those things for a man she’s not interested in. When women are not interested, they will ignore you completely.

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